2018 Christmas Worship Service around the World - Kotte, SRI LANKA

  • by WMD
  • Jan 04, 2019
  • 628 reads

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”). - Matthew 1:23 -

By God’s grace, Kotte UBF held 2018 Christmas Worship Service entitled, “Immanuel, Jesus, God with us” on Dec 12 at Colombo Royal Park Loading Bay. We thank God for richly blessing our Christmas Worship Service with a graceful message. There were 54 attendants whom God answered our earnest prayers. Most of all, we thank God for enabling our growing brothers and sisters (Markers disciple team) to serve the worship programs with joyful hearts. Through the graceful message, the grace of Immanuel, baby Jesus came upon many newcomers. Especially, among them, there were some Buddhists who had never heard about the gospel and they accepted Jesus as their savior and were joyfully participated in the worship programs. There were Christmas carols, dances, special music programs, and proclaiming words of God by the Markers team and new believers. One of the new believers who got sick with dengue fever during the dance practice before the Worship Service was healed by God's grace. She revealed God's glory!

We pray that God may enable us to pioneer 18  Sri Lanka campuses, raising many disciples of Jesus and sending pioneering house churches and missionaries to the world. Especially Kotte UBF continues to pray for the lost campus souls in Sri Jayawardenepura University and raises 5 future spiritual leaders.

Please pray for our growing disciples, Esther Z, Petra A, Mark B, and Noah H to be born again through the Holy Spirit and to grow as shepherds for Sri Lanka campus souls. They have been studying 17 steps Bible study at Sunday Worship Service. We also pray for S. Pauline who is our good co-worker to grow as a shepherd and establish a house church in the future. We deeply thank you for your prayer support for Kotte UBF. May the grace & joy of Immanuel baby Jesus always be with you!

Luke Jeon