2019 African New Year Conference Report (Dec. 14-16, 2018), GHANA

  • by WMD
  • Dec 18, 2018
  • 957 reads






Written by James Lee (Africa UBF Coordinator, Zimbabwe)

The New Year’s conference for Africa was held on 14th~16th, Dec. 2018 at Hephzibah Christian Centre in Accra, Ghana. The title of the conference was “All of Them may be One.” based on Jn 17:21. We give thanks and praises to God who blessed African Directors' New Year's Conference. We had a total of 42 attendants from USA(1), Korea(4), Egypt(1), Ethiopia(2), Ghana(4), Kenya(2), Nigeria(13), S.Africa(3), S.Sudan(2), Rwanda(1), Uganda(8) and Zimbabwe(1). Among them, there are 18 Korean missionaries and shepherds, and 24 native African leaders.

The three messengers were Msn. Joshua Suh (Jer 29), P. Moses Yoon(Jn 17) and Shep. Elia Peter (2Tim 4). P. Moses Yoon, UBF General Director, delivered the message, “All of them may be one.” We have learned Jesus’ prayer that all of us become one, and the love of God enables us to have spiritual unity and we can go to the world to bring them to Jesus. Joshua Suh of South Africa delivered Jeremiah 29, “When You Seek Me with All Your Heart,” The place of exiles is the place of God’s disciplines and a new start. The exiles will be a place of blessing when they seek God with all their hearts. In exile, seeking God first with all our hearts, the Lord will meet with us and lead us into His blessing. Elia Peter of South Sudan delivered the message, “Preach the Gospel in Season and out of Season.” (2Tim 4:1-8). Because of the civil war, famine and disease, it was not easy to preach the gospel. But in such situation, we could see our leaders in S. Sudan who keep their head and teach the word of God continuously. We pray that we may keep our heads in all situations and preach the word of God in season and out of season. A special lecture was delivered by Shep. Elisha Kim of Namsan UBF, Korea. The title of his lecture was “What is History?" through the lens of the book of Esther and his lecture received well responses. 

We can highlight that Native leadership is well-established in several countries especially in Nigeria, and all the GBS leaders were native leaders. They came to Ghana by bus crossing two countries for 13 hours. Three sisters from Makerere and three shepherds from Kyambogo of Uganda attended. While native leaders outnumbered Korean missionaries, the total number of regular Sunday Worship Service attendees in UBF Africa of 2018 is about 530 from 495 in 2017. We pray to reach 550-600 by 2019.

A big thanks to Msn. Truman & Maria Lee and Sarah Kim who hosted the conference and the great support of Namsan UBF center! We pray for brother Kingsley and sister Linda to grow as ancestors of faith in Ghana ministry. We give thanks to God for all the blessings we received through this conference. May God's kingdom come to 55  countries in Africa! Next year’s African Directors' Conference will be held 13th (Fri) to 15th (Sun), Dec. 2019, in Cairo, Egypt.

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