(Update-6) Urgent Prayer Request from Mongolia for Jooyong Kim's (16) Surgery of His Two Ankles after a Severe Car Accident, MONGOLIA

  • by WMD
  • Aug 22, 2018
  • 629 reads

By the grace of God, he was discharged from the intensive care unit of Guro hospital and transferred to a private hospital a few days ago. He has been getting treatment of disinfection and rehabilitation. Currently, he barely walks little by little depending on a handicapped walker. He also attended last Sunday worship service at Namsan UBF – it is a miracle of God for him. He recently had four times of virus tests that were all normal but the doctors will continue to keep watch about it. The skin of his left heel is much restored that he does not need to get a great surgery for his left heel. Only his left leg’s broken bones are not attached yet into its position.

His next operation will be held after 2 months. Please pray that his bone graft may be successful, get rid of bacteria completely from his legs, his broken bones be attached well and get well treatment of rehabilitation so that he can walk with completed legs. Lastly, he also has been receiving psychotherapy because he has a high level of uneasiness in his mind after the accident. Please pray for him to overcome his inner fear and uneasiness by faith. Thank you very much for your prayer support! Youshin Kim from Mongolia