Jakarta UBF 2018 Summer Bible Conference July 5-8, INDONESIA

  • by WMD
  • Aug 03, 2018
  • 978 reads

We, Jakarta UBF, held our 2018 Summer Bible Conference at Bogor in SEAM Center (South East Asia Mission) from July 5th – 8th. For 3 nights and 4 days, we had 23 UBF members along with 17 university club friends who attended the conference. We thank the Lord for giving us a gracious and very exciting program this year. The first day, Sh. Juni served the opening message from Genesis 12-13 titled, “God’s Calling.” He had nothing materially, but because of God’s calling, he labored with his house church and campus mission. Prior to the message, his wife Shs. Sri (graduate student of ESA UNGGUL, Hospital Administration major) served the drama. She wholeheartedly displayed the heart of God that calls us and showed the obedience of Abraham to this calling through the skit even though she had one week left in her pregnancy. A healthy baby boy was born on July 9th .

The second day, the main message was served by Shs. Eta (Jakarta UBF’s sister ancestor) from Genesis 14-15 titled, “The Secret to the Victory in a Battle.” Through this message, we learned Abraham’s secret to his victory in his battle. We learned that the secret is to have faith that only relies on God and to have the heart of a shepherd. Even though Kedorlaomer’s joint forces were great in number and power, Abraham could see that God was with him and tasted victory when he had a shepherd heart. Before the message, sister Ayu (UKRIDA, sophomore) served the drama. She acted out the difficult scenes of the battle with Kedorlaomer’s forces. Through this skit, she gave great joy to the Lord and to us. Shs. Eta stated in her message that, even though she wasn’t given any child and even though her husband ripped her heart out, she has lived her life following God’s calling for 18 years, not wavering in her faith in God, and continued obeying Him. Even though she had a tough time living overseas as an exchange student and suffered because of her husband, she ate daily bread every day to the end in order to guard her faith in God. We praise God for His grace and His faithful guidance.

The third day, the main message was served by Sh. Hengky (Jakarta UBF's brother ancestor) from Genesis 16-17, titled, “A Blameless Christian.” Abraham was drunk with one blessing called Ishmael and couldn’t see what was before him in the future of his life. Our future depends on God’s plan and on what we choose to do. The strength to control God’s blessing comes from our faith and faithfulness. Sh. Hengky told us how he has lived for 20 years as a source of blessing. From the outside, he had studied the Bible a lot, lived as a shepherd, married by faith, and obeyed whatever came his way. But there were no visible fruits in his life. However, he realized that God has given an invisible fruit that is incomparable with any visible fruits. He, through Haus Tteok-pokki store (means “Thirsting for Tteok-pokki”) and sweet potato business, followed the faithful guidance of God and has been serving the pioneered campus, UMPAD. The drama for the message was acted by Shs. Sam. The scene where Abraham had to send away Ishmael and his mother Hagar is still vivid to us. The second night, we held a Couple’s Hymn Competition hosted by Sh. Chris and Shs. Dream from America. It was an exciting night for both the shepherds and sheep.

On the third day, Msn. Peter Kim served the message from Genesis 18-22 titled, “God’s Kingdom Came Upon Abraham.” The drama was served by brother Leo and one shepherd. After the message, we had communion together. After that, we all went to a waterfall to have a picnic together. Then, we also had a special event called “Make-A-Friend” where we invited friends from different religions to enjoy Korean culture. We ate Korean food together, danced to K-pop music, watched a Korean movie, and shared joy with one another. These friends always came to this event and every event in the past because they were not scared to get to know us and were did not feel awkward about meeting us. We pray that the Holy Spirit would touch them and that they would open their hearts.

The last day, Sunday, the closing message was delivered by Sh. Chris from John 20:19-23 titled, “I Am Sending You.” He, along with his co-worker wife Shs. Dream, visited Indonesia as guests from Shippensburg, U.S.A. He used a lot of media materials, was helped by Shs. Dream’s translation and touched our hearts. He said that world mission starts from imitating Jesus. Just as Jesus’ disciples obeyed Jesus, we also pray that we may obey the mission command absolutely. The Lord has given us the mission field and has sent us the sheep. Now, it is our turn to actively preach the gospel. We pray sincerely that the Lord may unite us as one through His word, Holy Spirit, and prayer, and that He may help us to completely overcome every fear and obstacle. 

Prayer Topics:
1) Jakarta (Carolus, Eta House Church), Bogor (Juni, Sri HC), and Sumedang (Hengky, Shim HC)’s continuing campus pioneering ministry
2) Peter Kim and native shepherds’ Sunday Message
3) Activities in 8 campuses of each shepherd and Make-A-Friend Ministry
4) 2nd gens’ Bible study and their spiritual growth
5) Each shepherd’s independent spiritual and financial life.