(Update-5) Urgent Prayer Request from Mongolia for Jooyong Kim's (16) Surgery of His Two Ankles after a Severe Car Accident, MONGOLIA

  • by WMD
  • Jun 21, 2018
  • 585 reads

Yoo Shin Kim

Jooyong's right leg skin graft surgery was successfully planted from his calf and thigh. His heel was replanted also. May God protect his blood vessels, and may the blood flow smoothly in his veins so that the replanted flesh and skin may grow. 2-3 days are critical from now and it may take 2 weeks to be restored. His left leg needs to be observed more time for the replanted flesh and skin. Jooyong's pains are so great and he is afraid of each surgery. May he overcome the suffering through Jesus and have resurrection faith in these difficult and painful processes until he is fully restored. Thank you to all our prayer servants around the world.