"Even the Son of Man" - 2018 Korea UBF National Laymen Conference, KOREA

  • by WMD
  • Jun 19, 2018
  • 702 reads

Korea UBF National Laymen Conference was held on June 5-6 at KT Human Resource development in Daejeon, Korea.

The conference theme was “Even the Son of Man” based on Mark 10:45. The messengers were: Sh. Bansuk Kim (main message: “Even the Son of Man” on Mark 10:45), Sh. Nehemiah Kim (special lecture: “My Personal Experience of God through Bible Reading”), M. Daniel Yang (Rwanda UBF, closing message: “Go, Make Disciples of all Nations” on Mt 28:18-20). The number of attendees was 356 from nationwide including 5 missionaries.