God Provides New Bible Center in Taipei, TAIWAN

  • by WMD
  • May 22, 2018
  • 849 reads

Mark Hui

Dear servants of the Lord!

Thank you for your prayer support for the wedding between Jenny and Marcos Tseng on April 1st. We continue to pray for this new family to grow in Christ.

We are also thankful for your prayer for our search of a new bible center. We are going to move our bible center to, 1 st Floor, No.43-1, Shuiyuan Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, and Taiwan.

The first Sunday service in the new center will be held on May 27. Please pray for the new bible center to be a house of prayer for many nations. We can raise student disciples in National Taiwan University.

In Christ,

Mark Hui