The Gospel is Served through Korean School in K Nation, K NATION

  • by WMD
  • May 17, 2018
  • 805 reads

by silver M. Isaac Lim

M. Isaac Lim built a big sports center for table tennis and donated it to the school hoping that table tennis will become a sport all K people enjoy and enhance their health. Through his Korean school, sending many K students to Korea with national scholarship and many cultural activities received good reputation. He could serve gospel ministry through all these activities.  

Prayer topics: We began in 2008. 

1. By 2045 God may raise 30,000 disciples and 3 million Christians in K nation.
2. A new arriving House Church (JaeSuk Kim and JungHee Choi of KwangJu 3rd) in May may well be settled.
3. God bless Korean school for his gospel ministry.
4. We may get a K citizenship
5. More than 6 Korean government scholarship be given to our Korean school