With 88 Attendees, Uganda UBF Held a Easter Bible Conference, "Rising with Christ!" from March 30 to April 1, UGANDA

  • by WMD
  • Apr 05, 2018
  • 1043 reads


We had the 2018 Uganda UBF Easter Bible Conference from 30th March to 1st April at Lweza Training Conference Center. Attendees consisted of a total of 88 members including 8 children.

The theme of the conference was ‘Rising with Christ’. Shepherd Steven delivered the opening message with the title ‘Arise and Shine’ based on Isaiah chapter 60. We were able to have spiritual desire to arise and shine through this conference. Shepherd Allan delivered main lecture 1 with the title, ‘Jesus’ crucifixion’ based on Mark chapter 15. We learned that Jesus had to be forsaken by the Father God in order to save us. We also learned how serious the result of committing sin is. We were all moved by God’s great love for us. Shepherd John (Kyambogo chapter) delivered main lecture 2 with the title ‘Jesus’ resurrection’ based on Mark chapter 16. We learned that we also have to hear the message of Jesus’ resurrection every day. ‘He has risen, He is not here. See the place where they laid him.’ We can then live a victorious life with resurrection faith and live as witnesses of Jesus’ death and resurrection by obeying his great commission.

Main lecture 3 was delivered by Shepherdess Lillian with the title, ‘Rising with Christ’ based on Romans 6:1-14. She was the first woman speaker who delivered a Sunday message in the history of Uganda UBF. She delivered the message very powerfullyand gracefully. She decided to offer every part of her body to God as an instrument of righteousness. We learned how we should live practically after believing in Jesus who resurrected.  We all decided to rise with Christ and offer ourselves to God as instruments of righteousness. In the evening of the second day, there was a sharing time of representative testimonies and a special lecture. Gloria Kang (New York UBF), Marion, Ellison, Gerald, Brenda (Kyambogo), and Msn. Shine (surgeon who joined Bethesda medical center) shared graceful testimonies. Msn. Tim Hoke (professor at Africa Bible University) gave a wonderful lecture about the case for Christ’s resurrection. We could stand firm in our faith in Jesus’ resurrection that is based on the bible.

God also raised student messengers. They are shepherd Wilber (Kyambogo) and Ivan (Makerere). They delivered messages based on John 8:1-11 and 11:1-44 respectively.  Although they are students, they delivered the messages deeply and gracefully.

Thank God for giving us a wonderful 2018 Uganda EBC. I pray that we may rise with Christ in our daily lives.