2017 Annual Mission Report - The Work of God in Sofia Chapter I, BULGARIA

  • by WMD
  • Mar 19, 2018
  • 951 reads


James Kang

Key verse: Luke 9:23, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”

In 2017 our key verse was Matthew 28:18-20.

1. God’s word

Last year God blessed us with His word from the Gospel of Mark. Through this God blessed us to have deep fellowship with Him and to love Him. Especially God blessed us to know Jesus who came to serve sinners until he gave his life on the cross for them (Mk.10:45).

2. The house church of Shp. Lachezar and M. Joy Sarah Shin

After the blessed wedding in the Summer of 2015 God blessed this house church to follow the steps of Jesus’ disciples through blessings and trainings in various ways. God provided Shepherd Lachezar a new and good job. God blessed them to have a good fellowship with his parents by spending time with them during the weekends. God also gave them a hard time through health problems so that they might depend on God. God blessed them to have a good time in Korea last summer. God blessed them also to serve several people in Jesus. May God bless them during the new 2018 year to have deeper fellowship with Jesus Christ through his words, prayer and one to one bible study with students in Bulgaria, so that this house church may become the most beautiful house church in the world. May God grant them a baby for this house church.

3. A faithful woman of God shepherdess Denitza Krasteva

God blessed shepherdess Denitza to struggle with faith. Throughout the year God blessed her to know more about Jesus Christ through God’s word and through her life in God. She continued to serve faithfully her friends and parents with prayer and God’s word. God blessed her to also progress in her PhD studies.  May God bless her life during the new 2018 to have great peace in Jesus so that she can love more the words of life and to serve God as the happiest woman of God. May God bless her to finish her PhD program during the new year.

4. Cathy jr. and K.

God blessed the lives of Cathy jr. and K. abundantly. God trained Cathy jr. for the past six years of her student life in Korea. God blessed her during this period to have good fellowship with God under the care of God’s people in Gwanak 3, especially through Bible study with shepherdess Yoon Hyo-ju. God blessed her to graduate SNU. God also blessed her to return to Bulgaria as a woman of God this October. Now she serves God’s work in Bulgaria and studies in the Master’s program in Sofia University. God continuously blessed K’s life since her graduation in Paris two years ago.  God blessed her through various trainings in Korea and Bulgaria. God blessed her to seek God wholeheartedly. God blessed her to have fellowship with many students in KCC. She is blessed to continue to study the Master’s program in Sofia. I believe that God will bless them both during the new 2018 to follow God’s guidance. I believe that God will bless them to love Him even during the hardships of trainings. May God bless them to grow as God’s good instruments for his redemptive work.

5. Bible students

God blessed some brothers and sisters to study the Bible during 2017. Even though they were not faithful we believed that God is working in their hearts.  We pray that God may raise Jesus’ disciples among them during the new year. May God bless the life of brother Dobromir to be a faithful Bible student and to be a blessing for the Bulgarian people.

6. Lives of M. James and Cathy Kang

God blessed Missionary James and Cathy Kang’s lives to serve university students. God blessed Cathy Kang to have a deep fellowship with God through God’s word and prayer. God blessed her to love the students in the university and the KCC with all her heart. God blessed James Kang to have faith in him and to be thankful for his great mercy in his life. I believe that God will bless the precious life of Missionary Cathy Kang by guarding her life in the fullness of grace and power of our Jesus Christ. May God have mercy on me to focus on Jesus’ sacrificial life for all sinners in the world.

7. Prayer topics for 2018

1. Every sister and brother to have a deep fellowship with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, words of life and prayer.
2. Every brother and sister to serve one person faithfully in Jesus.
3. Shp. Lachezar to grow as a good shepherd and messenger.
4. One Abraham of faith to be raised in each of the 10 main campuses in Bulgaria.