2018 Asia Directors' Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Jan 17, 2018
  • 1067 reads

I AM HONORED BY GOD (Isaiah 49:1-7)

Peter Lee

On January 4-6, 2018 the UBF Asia directors' conference was held with 44 attendees in Tokyo, Japan. It was a meaningful conference for Japan UBF co-workers because of its 30th anniversary of pioneering Japan is coming this year. The opening message titled, "I am honored by God" based on Isaiah 49:1-7 was given by M. Peter Lee the Asia coordinator. Through the message we learned that we all are honored by God because he called us from birth in his absolute sovereignty for his world redemptive work. He also refines us through many hardships so that we might be surpassing messengers like sharpened swords and polished arrows for this sinful generation. Although sometimes God's discipline seems be too hard for us and it is too slow for us in disciple raising ministry, no matter what may happen we are honored in the eyes of God based on the word of God. In the evening P. Ron Ward delivered a heart moving message  "Worthy is the Lamb to receive power and glory" on Revelation 5:1-14. Through the message we learned that in times of trouble we should look forward with delight and hope to Jesus Christ who is sitting at the right hand of the throne of God after he was slain and who will come again in great glory and power in the future. 

Afterward there was a group Bible study divided in 4 groups. We studied the book of 2 Corinthians. There were special guests who served this conference with words of God. They were Shepherd David Kim, Shepherd Luke Lee and Sh. Sarah Kim from South Korea along with Missionary Jacob & Missionary Esther Lee from the USA.

On the second day after group Bible study the General director Pastor Abraham Kim gave the 2018 new year's message, "You will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth," full of Spirit on Acts 1:1-14. Through this we newly accepted Jesus' word with great vision "You will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth."

Through this conference we made a decision to actively obey the Lord, transcending reality with difficulties for us in 2018. May the Lord bless us to pray together one in heart and depending on the Holy Spirit so that we can be powerful witnesses of Risen Christ giving glory to God in 2018. 

Based on the New Year’s message we all wrote reflections and shared them in groups having graceful and joyful fellowship in the word of God.  We thank God for healing and reviving in our hearts through the word of God. May the Lord accept each one's desire and decision of faith to be powerful witnesses of the Risen Jesus in 2018 and use us to bring the season of Christ to all of Asia. 

In the evening there was a video presentation about the preparation of 2018 International conference along with its detailed introduction given by M. Jacob Lee and Pastor Ron Ward. Through the International Summer Bible Conference may the Lord richly bless all of us with clear faith and hope of the Kingdom of God so that his kingdom may be greatly expanded throughout the whole world using all our UBF missionaries. May the Lord strengthen Pastor Abraham Kim through the spirit of wisdom and power to serve the International Summer Bible conference.

The conference concluded with the closing message delivered by M. Daniel Jeong, Japan UBF director with the title, "One of you shall chase a Thousand" based on Joshua 23:8-11. Through this we could have a confidence of faith in the word to advance, overcoming all kinds of difficulties not being complacent in each one's pioneering work.

We really thank God for renewing our clear identity as witnesses of the Risen Christ with the words of God through the conference. We also thank God for M. Daniel Jeong and Japan missionaries, especially Japan second generation missionaries and their labor of love and sacrifice in serving the conference and for providing life giving words and a beautiful environment for the conference.

Regarding the next Asia directors' conference all Asia chapter directors agreed to hold it in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia on Jan 3-5, 2019.