A Beautiful Wedding Between Frengky and Juwita, Depok UBF, Indonesia

  • by WMD
  • Dec 28, 2017
  • 1023 reads


Peter Lee

On December 2, 2017 God established a beautiful house church through the wedding of Frengky and Juwita at the Depok UBF center.

God richly blessed the new family. Through God’s abundant blessing their family members along with Depok UBF brothers and sisters and many guests were filled of joy. M. Peter Lee officiated the wedding with the word based on God’s word from 1Corinthians 13:4, “Love is patient, love is kind”. The bridegroom Frengky is the younger brother of Evi Priska who is now a missionary to the USA. By God’s great grace he was saved and finally established a family of God since he had been lived as like a prodigal for 40 years.   

Once Juwita planned to attend seminary as her dream to become a great Pastor. Through attending the 2013 Depok UBF Summer Bible Conference and receiving much grace she gave up the dream and made a clear decision to serve as a shepherd for wandering campus souls. We pray that God may continue to bless this new couple to be humble, loving and mature servants of God so that they can take care of many young campus souls to learn the servantship of Jesus.

We thank God for establishing the third house church in our ministry since we have been praying for five house churches in 2017. Please continue to pray for us to establish five more house churches in 2018 and raise 20,000 Bible teachers and 2,000 house churches by the year 2041. Thank you for your prayer support.