Rwanda Christmas Worship Service News, Africa

  • by WMD
  • Dec 20, 2017
  • 1249 reads


Danial Yang

Dear precious Servants of God! 

God blessed our 1st Christmas Worship Service abundantly! From Kigali, the Capital, 27 students joined after 3 hours bus ride (one way). We have prayed for 70 attendants to our CWS, since our weekly average 1:1  Bible students are 70. But our awesome God has done a much greater work! He blessed our prayers exactly 150%, by sending 105 attendants to our 1st CWS. Most of our current and former 1:1 Bible students came to our CWS. From the beginning of December, we have prayed to God that we may offer our faithful 1:1 Bible studies and students, as our treasured gift to our Savior Jesus! God really has accepted and blessed our prayers and our humble 1:1 ministry!

Thanksgiving Topics:

1) We thank and praise God that he sent his Son Jesus in a manger, as our Savior. Baby Jesus in a manger was the sign of God’s immeasurable love and humbleness!
2) Sh. Steven of Uganda delivered heart moving message with a title of “A Savior has been born to you” from Luke 2:1-14. We all received much grace! Sh Hodal shared his life testimony and music programs were very graceful.
3) We are really humbled and thank God for sending 105 attendants to 1st CWS!

<Two short-term missionaries from Chicago>

Prayer Topics:

1) Now we sincerely pray that we may faithfully serve all the CWS attended students, with 1:1 Bible study!
2) May God also grant us faithful Sunday worship attendants among these students!
3) May God raise up 12 committed disciples of Jesus!
4) May God bless Rwanda to be a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation!
5) May God raise many missionaries among Rwandan students, using their abilities of speaking French and English!

Thank God and all of persistent prayer supporters!

Debtors of Prayers,
Daniel and Deborah Yang
Hodal and Rwandan Native Shepherds