Zimbabwe CME Report, Africa

  • by WMD
  • Nov 16, 2017
  • 1246 reads

(Photo - After Sunday Worship Service)

Zimbabwe has been led by President Robert Mugabe for 36 years since its independence in 1980. President Mugabe adapted a policy of confiscating the lands and estates which were owned by foreigners in 1997 when a general strike took place, resulting in severe economic sanctions by the UN. This caused severe inflation to the country and made the nation’s economy critical. So at the present time they use the US dollar as currency.

Zimbabwe UBF was pioneered by Missionary James Lee (present director) together with his wife Petra Lee 22 years ago. Missionary James Lee had pioneered Namibia five years prior to pioneering Zimbabwe. Missionary James works at the Korean Embassy in Zimbabwe. Missionary Caleb and Rebecca Shin have been serving campus mission faithfully and humbly. Missionary Caleb Shin has a photo studio downtown.  Missionaries Dr. Samuel H. Lee and Anna Lee came to Zimbabwe as silver missionaries seven years ago. Samuel H. Lee established the department of Korean language and served as a professor at the University of Zimbabwe up to this spring semester.  Now there are several growing students who are candidates to be future leaders. 

Our CME team was welcomed warmly, and we studied with missionaries and student leaders from Ephesians 1 and 2 and Galatians 5:16-24.

(Photo - Missionaries at CME)

We also had a session that included lectures and discussions on Christian marriage. Our missionaries also had a very gracious testimony sharing time. Missionaries Petra Lee and Rebecca Shin shared their sincere repentant testimonies. Missionary James Lee shared his heart desire to be spiritually refreshed daily to live as a missionary.

Prayer Topics
1) For Missionaries James Lee and Caleb Shin to deliver powerful Sunday messages
2) To engage in fruitful discipleship ministry
3) For 2018 ISBC and Dr. Abraham Kim