"Rwanda is Ripe for Harvest!" Report by Deborah Yang, Africa

  • by WMD
  • Nov 10, 2017
  • 1188 reads


M. Deborah Yang from Rwanda,

I have felt that these past two months are like two years. The new school year started at the beginning of October. God is working mightily, and we have been very busy to serve the work of God. Last week, God enabled M. Daniel to serve 22 students through one to one bible studies, and I was able to serve 18 students as well. Our growing shepherds also engaged 19 one to one bible studies. We thank God for sending 35 students to our Sunday Worship Service. Rwanda is ripe for harvest!

M. Daniel left for Washington, D.C., and will not be returning until November 15th. I will be traveling to Kigali campus by faith in order to serve students there for two days. While M. Daniel is gone, it is a good opportunity for our shepherds to take more responsibilities, and commit themselves to serve students with one to one bible studies. We pray that God may grow them to be good shepherds and bible teachers. Would you please pray for them? Their names are Hodal, James, Ettien, Emmi, and Felician. Girl students are Marion, Maeva, and Vanessa. Once again, thank you very much for your prayer support for Rwanda ministry.  

I really miss you, love you.