Pretoria UBF CME Report

  • by WMD
  • Oct 30, 2017
  • 1054 reads

Pretoria is the capital of South Africa.  More Caucasians live there compared to Johannesburg. The University of Pretoria is considered to be the best and first class university in the country.

For three years, Pretoria UBF has served campus mission in two teams. Pretoria I is led by director Missionary James Lee and missionary coworkers are Jackie Suh, Joseph Kim and Mary Kim. Pretoria II is directed by Missionary Joshua Suh and Missionary Josephine Lee is coworking.  Shepherd Christian Coetsee and his wife M. Sarah Sang-hee Coetsee moved to Wits area for their job situation. Missionary Mark and Susanna Kim have taken the new direction to pioneer a campus in Cape Town yet they attended Wits Sunday worship service for a while. The work of God in Pretoria I has been stagnant because a large scale demonstration took place in the university campus and all the student club rooms in the campus were closed including UBF circle room. And any outsiders were banned from entering the university. Missionaries also could not go into the campus for fishing and one to one Bible studies. They wait eagerly for the opening of the campus. From the second week of December 2017, both Pretoria I and II will have worship service together. We CME team served our missionary coworkers with Ephesians 1 and 2 and Galatians 5 study. We also shared with parents about the biblical ways of raising children.  In the afternoon, we had a gracious testimony sharing meeting with six missionaries. Missionaries Mary Kim and Josephine Lee shared repentant testimonies with many tears.

Prayer Topics:

1) For Shepherd Abia and Theo to deliver powerful Sunday messages.
2) For the ministry to be revived through faithful one-to-one Bible studies.
3) For God’s blessing on the International Bible Conference in 2018 and Dr. Abraham Kim and coworkers.