2017 Sri Lanka Joint Summer Bible Conference Report (Video)

  • by WMD
  • Oct 20, 2017
  • 1133 reads


We thank and praise God for richly blessing the first Sri Lanka joint summer conference which was held on Aug5-7 at Athurugiriya in Sri Lanka with all 36 attendances (17 from Colombo UBF), (12 from Kotte UBF) and (7 from Kyungsung1UBF Korea).

On the first day, Sh. Abraham Pradeep gave an opening message “Come and See” from John 2. He boldly testified to Jesus who changed the water into wine, and who is the source of joy of heaven for all mankind. In the evening, Sister Pauline (Kotte) shared her sincere life testimony with full of grace of Jesus who brought  her out of darkness into the great light of Jesus, calling her to be his servant for campus souls in Sri Lanka. It moved all attendants’ hearts. Through her life testimony, God opened the hearts of new sheep, Amali and Ruth, and they confessed their sins and received forgiveness of God. There were three more graceful life testimony speakers from Kyunsung 1 UBF, Korea. They are Sh. Sarah Goolzan, Sh. Junyoung Song and Brother Andrew.  And five sisters from Kotte UBF served graceful dance and revealed God's grace and glory.

On the second day morning, Sh. Gideon delivered a powerful message, “Get Up and Walk” from John 5 as the main lecture1.By God’s grace, he obtained a nursing degree  from Univ of Sunderland and was  accepted at Univ of Colombo (Master’s course of Pharmacy- beginning from Aug 2017) and now he is serving the campus souls as a shepherd. After the conference he invited two nursing students Nuwan and Dishan to our ministry.

After the lecture1 Brother Niroshan (Colombo) shared his life testimony with full of repentance of his sins and gave glory to God. He made a decision of faith to attend Sunday worship service faithfully.  On the evening of the second day, Sister Amali gave the main lecture 2, “I Am He”. She boldly testified that Jesus forgave all of her sins and satisfied her thirsty soul through the Holy Spirit and she made a decision to live as a witness of Jesus. She is going to study at Hankuk Univ of Foreign Studies in Korea with a full scholarship beginning from Sep 2017. We pray that the Lord may help her to grow in personal faith as a disciple of Jesus. Following the lecture 2, Sister Angelica (Colombo) and Sh Sarah Goolzan (Kyoungsung) shared their graceful testimonies. There were graceful drama entitled, “Get Up and Walk” and a powerful Sri Lankan traditional dance both led by Colombo UBF brothers and sisters. There also were 8 more graceful testimony speakers such as Samuel Jun, Daniel Jun, Backsinmok and Irusher (all second gens), Brother Dishan (Colombo), Hemanttur (Kotte), Zayani (Kotte), and Angeli (Kotte).    

On the third day, Sister Bawani (Colombo) gracefully delivered the main lecture 3, “It Is Finished” with many tears. Before hearing the lecture, in order to deeply understand about the cross of Jesus, we watched a short movie “Passion of Christ”. Through the message of the cross of Jesus, all attendants were moved and accepted God’s redemptive love in the cross of Jesus. Following the lecture, Sister Ruth and Brother BackEar shared graceful life testimonies.  

At the end, M. Luke Jun gave a closing message, “Remain in Me” from John15. Through the message, he encouraged all attendants to remain in Jesus’ love making intimate love relationship with him so that they may bear the finest fruit for the glory of God.

We give thanks and praise to God for the great work of the Holy Spirit through Sri Lanka joint SBC. Especially, we thank God for M. Barnabas Baek and M. Aroma who served the SBC with all their hearts. And we also thank God for Dr. James & Sh. Kyounghee Suh, Sh.Haekyoung Choi and Eunkyoung Won who came to support us from Kyoungsung UBF Korea.

As for Kotte UBF ministry, God brought 12 people to the SBC just as we have prayed. They are: Pauline (Univ of ACBT), Zayani (Uinv of Kelenia), Angeli(Univ of SIPM), Hironi (Sister of Zayani), Roshani (Univ of Kelenia), Bittia ( Unv of Colombo IT master program), Bishow (Univ of Sri Jayewardenepura) and Hemanttur (Open Univ).

Prayer topics :

1) To raise 1 Abraham & 1 Sarah  of faith and 3 shepherds among the growing sheep.
2) To raise Pauline, Zayani, Bittia (Markers team), and Bishow, Hemanttur, Sibaruban (Mark team) as disciples of Jesus.
3) To pioneer 18 campuses in Sri Lanka.
4) for my family to obtain a suitable place to hold worship service with 3 bed room house and materials as well before Sep 22nd.
5) For Samuel (15 years old), Daniel (12 years old) to grow as second gen missionaries and for God’s provision for their school tuition.
6) For God to provide us a minivan to serve sheep in this year.

Luke Jun