2017 Depok UBF Summer Bible Conference News, Indonesia (Video)

  • by WMD
  • Oct 06, 2017
  • 1115 reads


“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. (Gen.12:2)

Peter Lee

I praise and thank God for richly blessing Depok UBF Summer Bible Conference with the theme “ You will be a blessing” and with 144 attendees.

God blessed our 8 lectures with full grace through the messengers: Iman (lecture-1 “God created heaven and earth” Gen.1:1-24) / Setto (lecture-2 “You are the best handy work of God, Gen.1:25-31) / Wisma Hadi (lecture-3 “God who established the garden of Eden”, Gen.2:8-17) / Anang (lecture-4 “Where are you Adam?” Gen.3:1-24) / Kefas (lecture-5 “Get on board of the arch salvation”, Gen.6:1-14) / Ian (lecture-6 “You will be a blessing” (Gen.12) / Martin (lecture-7 “Look up at the sky and count the stars” Gen.15:1-13) / Abe Jones (lecture-8 “Sacrifice your only son as a burnt offering” Gen.22:1-13)

God raised 7 life testimony and 6 testimony speakers with beautiful testimonies through the conference. During the preparation of the conference we earnestly prayed for 120 attendees in one heart, holding onto Luke 18:5 (because this widow keeps bothering me) but beyond our expectation God brought 144 to the conference so that they could personally meet God the creator, who was pleased to create us, who is our hope, and who wants to use us as a source of blessing for this generation. God touched in each one’s heart with repentant and healing through the life giving words of God that they made decisions of faith. We thank God for his mighty work through the conference that many became new creation with full of joy in heaven and some leaders who had left our ministry returned back to God and his ministry.  

Prayer topics:

After the conference, we keep on studying John's gospel. May God establish 5 new house churches this year. (2 were already raised and 3 more house churches need to be established). May God bless Depok UBF with 120 SWS attendees and 120 one to one Bible studies each week. May God raise Indonesia as a Priestly nation through raising 20,000 one to one Bible teachers and 2,000 house churches.