German Staff Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Sep 26, 2017
  • 1093 reads

“No Other Foundation"

“For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.“ (1Cor. 3:11)
“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith.“ (Gal. 3:26)

Thank you very much for your sincere prayers for this staff conference. We met in Worms where in 1521 Martin Luther stood the test before the Emperor, papal legate, bishops, etc. We were all very grateful to meet in that historic environment. Our conference focused on the main tenants of the reformation: Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Solus Christus (we are saved by the Scriptures alone, by faith alone, by grace alone, by Christ alone). Messengers were Reiner Schauwienold (Luke 19), Walter Nett (Gal. 3), Stefan Elsholz (Eph. 2), and Daniel Park (1Cor. 3). The messages were all well-prepared and deep. Bible study and reflection time on Galatians 3 helped us to examine and refine our faith in God’s one-sided redemptive work.

On Friday afternoon we had the opportunity to visit the reformation monument. M. Kaleb Hong explained the deep meaning and the historical process very graciously. The monument itself is a testimony that God has used many people before and after Martin Luther to restore gospel faith among the Christian church. Some of them were martyrs like Jan Hus. Some of them were noblemen like Frederick the Wise, Elector of Saxony. Even a window in the catholic cathedral at Worms showed Luther standing boldly in front of the Emperor. 

On Friday night we had a guest speaker, Ulrich Weinhold. He spoke on supporting YUST and PUST through sending German teachers. He challenged us to believe in God’s sovereignty over all nations and leaders. The conference closed on Saturday noon after a beautiful concert by the new gens of Darmstadt ministries (just across the Rhine river). We pray for the 3 families there who hosted this conference: Dr. Moses & Esther Lee; M. Josua & Paulina Kim; M. Ezra & Rebekah Song. In summary, God's word challenged us to hold on to our spiritual treasures and to share them with young people in the upcoming winter semester. May God raise many people like Martin Luther and his fellows in this generation from among college students, using our 1:1 Bible study and disciple-making ministry. We also pray join and support the upcoming 2018 ISBC at Louisville KY.

Love in Christ,

Walter Nett