2017 Korea JBF Summer Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Sep 04, 2017
  • 1294 reads

Perfect Love

"Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing" (Luke23:34a)

     We praise and thank God for his abundant blessings upon the 2017 JBF Summer Bible conference. The theme was "Perfect Love" along with the sub title “Forgiveness and Fruitful life” at  Jin-Cheon Youth Center in Jin-Cheon, Chungbuk Province from August 4-6 2017.  A total of 307 people attended including 27 missionaries and second gens from overseas, Jongro(33), Yonhee(49), Kyoungsung(42), Gwanak(37), Anam(15), Hanyang(27), Hansung(3), Sungdong(9), Gongreong(2), Baebong(8), Gwangwoon(4), Dongkyo(1), Kyoungheemoon(2), Hangong(1), Wonju(1), Wonchun(4), Anyang(8), Ansan(9), Chunan(1), Daejeon(6), Jinju(3), Woolsan(3), Junju(4), Gwangju(50) and High School seniors(26). 

    The first Main lecture, "Your sins are forgiven" (Matthew 9:1-13) was gracefully was given by Sh. Sarang Cho of Yonhee chapter. Following the message, Junghoon Lim (Junju) shared his sincere testimony based on the word "Son, your sins are forgiven."  Afterward 7 high school students presented their wonderful life testimonies at the meeting. They are:  Uijin Suh, Yeji Suh, Chanyoung Lee, Yewon Yoon, Joseph Song, Chanmi Shin and Banseok Oh.

    The second main lecture, "Father forgive them" (Luke 23:26-49) geared for Middle school students was delivered by Sh. Gido Lee from Anyang chapter. This same message for High school students was given by Caleb Kang from Kyoungsung chapter. They both gave heart moving messages. Through the message Sh. Gido Lee made a decision to serve God as a full time shepherd giving up his dream of a future secure job after finishing his master program. Sh. Caleb Kang is actively serving God as a JBF teacher after serving as a missionary work in a country for seven years.   

    Following the message for middle school students, YeEon Kim from Wonju, shared her graceful testimony by thanking God who has given her a victorious faith by answering her earnest prayer for entering a college she wanted after many failures. 

    And following the message for High school students Sh. Chanju Bang of Yonhee shared a wonderful testimony. When she was in High school in her senior year she had been faithful to meditating on the word of God through daily bread and prayer to be a blessing at Ewha University. Finally God answered her prayer to be accepted at the college with good grades. From that time on she served many campus students through one to one Bible studies for the last four years, and served God's ministry of Ewha, Yonsei and Songdo campuses for a year as an full time intern. God accepted her devotion to him. She was awarded for her art work entitled "Fishing" and was also selected as the departmental representative at the graduate school and receiving a scholarship as well. She became an exemplary shepherd in Yonhee UBF for going up to the campus every week, actively feeding sheep in obeying the word "Feed My Lamb" in the midst of her busy schedule from her work at a company since she finished of her master course program. 

    And there were 10 more JBF second gens who shared their sincere testimonies with the full grace of forgiveness based on the second main lecture.  They are : Paul Hong (Yonhee), Daemin Lee (Kyounsung), Yeyoung Kim (Yonhee), Sungkyoung Choi (Kyoungsung), Jueon Moon (Yonhee), David Lee(Kyoungsung),Juhee Hong(Yonhee), Youngeon Jung(Yonhee), Eonbi Lim(Baebong) and Yerim Kim(Gwangju).  

    The third main lecture, "Remain In Me" (John 15:1-12) was given by Sh. Hyungwoo Kim from Gwangju. Through the message he boldly testified about the fruitful life in Jesus Christ since he experienced of a fruitful life in remaining in Jesus's word, getting out of his darkness.

    Following the message Sh. Joy Kim (Yonhee) shared her heart moving testimony. Before meeting Christ she was seized with fear and emptiness under the power of death after the death of her grandmother and her  brother. But after meeting Christ who defeated the power of death she was forgiven and freed from the power of death and became a powerful and fruitful witness of the Risen Christ to the campus souls and her patients as a nurse.

    There were many programs led by the second gens from each chapter, such as praise, musical performances, UCC drama and video presentations along with a golden bell quiz and others that made all attendees one in heart opening to the word of God in the joyful and graceful atmosphere of the conference.  

    A summary of this conference are as follows: First, powerful words and graceful testimonies with full grace of forgiveness and evangelical value touched the hearts of all attendees inspiring them to decide to remain in Jesus to bear much fruit. Second, each chapter’s beautiful co-working together along with the conference preparation committee made this conference successful. 

    Third, co-working with 27 missionaries and second gen missionaries from 13 countries. They are M. Samuel Jin, Juhee Jin (USA), David Seok (United Kingdom), Joseph Lee (Germany), Isaac Kim (France), Samuel Kim, Philip Kim, John Kim (Russia), Chanju Kim, In-ae Kim(Kirkistan), Ha-eon Noh, Isaiah Noh(Mexico), Abraham Yoon(UAE), Rebecca Kim, Ae-jin Cha(Indonesia), Ja-Ae Reu(Hongking), Chang, Young, Ahn, Ahn, Chung(X), U, Shin, Cha and Ahn(Y), Cha(Z). We thank God for enabling them to be strengthened spiritually and physically through the conference and fellowship with Korean shepherds.

    We thank God for Korean chapter directors and missionaries throughout the world who earnestly prayed and supported the JBF conference in many ways. May God continue to raise many second gens and disciples, sending 100,000 missionaries by 2041.

Gwangju JBF (Moses Kim)