2016 Mongolia East Ulaanbaatar UBF Annual Report

  • by WMD
  • Jul 20, 2017
  • 1159 reads

(1) Friday Prayer Meetings ( Every first Friday of the first week of every month)

Beginning from this year, on every first Friday of the first week of the month, all our coworkers have been doing prayer meetings, hosting by each family ( serving food and delivering message) in turn, to pray for raising student disciples, church and world mission since we had been doing it once a year before.  By this each family learned about a sense of ownership for God's ministry after serving the meetings and receiving messenger training, and learning victorious faith getting out of their confinement to their work.

(2) Spring Conference 

On April 22-24 we held a spring conference at Bioiwel training center with all 47 including 12 sheep. Lecture1, Luke15 ( Father's great love- Sh. KangPurtt), Lecture2, Genesis1 (The creator God- Sh. Enghbattar), Lecture3, (The Cross of Jesus - Arionburtt), Lecture4, John5 (Get up and walk- Hasherden). Through the lectures we all newly learned about the way of cross and the youth spirit.   Sh. Buwe and his wife, sh. Batchecheck who both are going to be sent Australia as student missionaries, shared their life testimonies. And Sh. Bayarmagnai (staff shepherd) also shared his life testimony since he had delivered his message at every year spring conference. After the graceful life testimonies including senior shepherds, 8 new sheep who were moved by them also shared their testimonies. 

(3)Summer Seminar  

On June 11-12 we had a Summer Seminar for our leaders with the title " Who is the Holy Spirit" led by  msn. Matthew Lim at Suhjiyon conference hall. Through it we learned that how to live by the Holy Spirit and how to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. We finished the meeting with earnest prayer for us to be leading by the Holy Spirit and being filled with the Holy Spirit. 

(4) Summer Mission Trip  
During the summer, every year our mission trip team which is consisted of 12 shepherds has been visiting faraway country sides from the Ulaanbaatar for a week. Through the mission trip we would preach the gospel message to middle - high school students there who were potential future college students, and we also would support the local churches through systematic Bible study. In this year we went to serve the churches of the city, Namgobi which located far southern region from Ulaanbaatar on July 31-Aug9 and preaching and inviting new people to the churches as well.  

(5) Fall Bible Conference 

On Oct7-9th we had a fall Bible conference at Bioiwel with 53 people including 8 new sheep. Lecture1, Luke5 (Jesus who called Simon Peter- Sh. Tundup); Lecture2, John2 (Jesus who changed the water to wine- Sh. Bazaracha); Lecture3,John12 ( A kernal of wheat -Sh. KangPurtt). Sh. Tundup who delivered the lecture1 is inner-Mongolian which the region is under Chinese authority.

He came to know Christ by msn. G who was sent by our ministry, and he established a house church with a woman of faith there. Now His family came to Mongolia receiving faith training in our ministry. Though It was his debut message delivering at the conference but he boldly and gracefully delivered message with correct pronunciation of Mongolian. Lecture Sh. Bazaracha also delivered his debut message with sincere & repentant heart and made a clear decision to live a meaningful life in Christ Jesus.  Through the fall conference sister, Tubsinzarkal ( electrical engineering 3) accepted God's calling and made a decision to obey and serve sheep and was raised as a shepherdess for campus students.  

(6) Establishing House Churches 

On June 18 there was a blessed wedding ceremony between Buhuburtt and Erdenzarkal. The new family joined to Sh. Niyamsuren's family who are serving Khvod  region campus ministry , located on 1600 Km far west side of Ulaanbaatar. They are a great encouraging to Sh. Niyamsuren's family as good coworkers for the ministry.  There also another wedding ceremony between sh. Bayasgalang and Sarnai on July23 after both having Bible studies for 8years. We pray that God may preciously use this new family as new pioneers for local campus ministry in Mongolia.    

Sh. Bayarmagnai