2017 Next Generation Conference

  • by WMD
  • Jul 19, 2017
  • 1306 reads

2017 Next Generation Conference (6-9 July, Praha of Czech Republic)

Full of tears and confession of faith.

Title was “Disciple’s Life” based on Mark 1:14-20, 11:20-25, 10:35-45 held in Praha of Czech Republic, with 120 attendants (44 over 10 years old, 17 below 9 years old). The conference was full of the works of Holy Spirit thanks to the Word of God, moving testimonies, special lectures and the Sacrament and baptism. During the conference, we could see continuously tears and joy of next generation coming from God’s blessing. Sports fellowship and concerts of all participants were so joyful, and prasing hour was full of confession pleasing God.

First, missionaries cooperated in one spirit and one heart. Six(6) men missionaries were main messengers, and Nine groups of A (over 10 years old), three groups of B (below 9 years old) could be cared by one or two women and men missionaries for each group. Bible study and writing testimony could be cared personally and deeply for each of next generation. This conference was well prepared with one spirit and one heart for next genearation. Messages have been prapared with useful comments and prayer supports for one another, Bible study too, through Skype conference over 2 months, to serve next generation with their point of view in groups and ages.

Second, on the basis of above spiritual cooperation, each message and testimony was full of tears and personal decisions. The older aged teenagers such as Sarah Kang(Macedonia), Susanna Lee(Greece), Pauline Lee(Denmark), Sarah Son(Israel), Joanna Woo(Greece), Paul Younginn Park(Poland), Loise Han(Austria), Rebeka Bae(Croatia), Sarah Ko(Serbia)  testimonies were full of repenting tears and personal small decision. Messangers for group A by Barnabas Woo(Greece), James Han(Austria), Joshep Bae(Croatia) delivered the message with tears and clear spiritual direction. Messengers of group B by Paul Jang(Slovakia), Samuel Park(Czech), Barnabas Kang(Macedonia) draw spiritual attention from early aged next generation (below 9 years) with well prepared messages and tools. Next generation could make small decision to follow Jesus with faith and prayer. All program aimed to the life of faith and prayer to lead diciple life.

Third, the works of Holy Spirit. Many next generation participants shed tears during the Sacrament and baptism. The Holy Spirit touched their spirits prepared by the Words of God and testimonies. Their spirits were so pure and active to God’s Words and Holy Spirit. They responded very quickly to the works of Holy Spirit, so they wrote testimonies personally and deeply.

Four, special lectures by Dr.Y.K. Lee (Norway), Dr. Paul Hong(Toledo), Dr.Peter Chang(Bonn) were very useful for next generation. A scientist, Y.K.Lee gave the lecture of ‘Creation Faith’, Dr. Paul Hong of “God of parents, God of ours”, Dr. Peter Chang of “Church pleasing God”. The lectures contained excellent teaching to protect next generation from the worldly evil attack and to give the spiritual insight.  

Thanks to above all blessing of God, all generation together of old and new, missionaries and child, joined joyful sports fellowship and concerts hours. This was wonderful hamony in the workds of Holy Spirit and Jesus’ love.

The conference was blessed with the works of Holy Spirit. All missionaries cooperated with one spirit and one heart for next generation. The older aged teenagers became good example for the younger by testimonies. We all praised God with shouting and confession of faith in God during praising night. We could see great hope of God in next generation to be Jesus’ disciples and global spiritual leaders in next generation.