Spring conference of Cologne

  • by WMD
  • May 26, 2017
  • 1482 reads

Finally, here is a short summary of our spring conference.

Cologne and pioneering chapters had a spring conference at Gerolstein on May 5-7. The city is known for its pure natural fountain water from volcanic rock.More than 100 people gathered from 6 chapters, plus many young children and some temporary guests. We started the conference with hearing the prayer topics of each chapter: Dusseldorf 1 (Daniel Park), Frankfurt 1 (David Cho), Freiburg (Gen. David Song), Cologne 1 (Michael Pohl), Wiesbaden (Gideon Kim), and Wuppertal (Paul Youk).

The main content was Paul's letter to the church in Philippi, and we studied in 4 lecturers, generally following the chapters. The first messenger was Peter Youk (Cologne 1) for an introductory message with a focus on 1:21, "For to me to live is Christ." We realized the importance of being deeply rooted in Jesus Christ. The second messenger was Peter's twin brother Paul (Wuppertal). He emphasized the importance and grace of having "the same mindset as Christ Jesus." When we shared our reflections on this, it was very honest and even some men were moved to tears. Dr. Ulrike Gross (Cologne 1) gave the third message in which she challenged us to seek "Jesus pure" instead of "Jesus plus something." At the same time, she insisted that "Jesus pure" is the most joyful way of living since there is no joy equal to what we have in Jesus alone. The final messenger was JeanClaude Mushuti (Frankfurt 1). He continued to explain the joy of our Christian life as we walk in Jesus' footsteps.

We all gave thanks to God for his word and for the messengers and group Bible study that helped us to understand and follow better.

We also heard life testimonies by Paul Gross and Jeremia Kim. Paul's key verse is Mark 9:23, "Everything is possible for him who believes." He used to be a dreamer, not an achiever. When he wanted to enter the university in physical education, he failed 2 times. Finally, 2 friends in church supported him prayerfully all through another exam while he held on to Jeremiah 29:11, " 'For I know the plans I have for you', declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." And Paul succeeded miraculously. Last year's "Encounter" youth conference again helped him to meet God more personally. Since then he has put God at the first place in his heart. Jeremia took Ps 1:2-3 as his key verse. He used to be a strict, sometimes even brutal man. He joined the Korean military academy and mistreated several soldiers under his command. God interfered in his life and kept changing him into a loving shepherd, missionary, and father. Jeremia's account of how M. Timotheus Yoon and he received their US visas in 2001 caused everyone to laugh loudly and praise God. He now serves a young Ukrainian-born woman, Svetlana, who has a deep desire to become a resourceful Bible teacher just like Jeremia.

Hanna Cho (Frankfurt 1) and Annika Fabian (Wiesbaden) shared their reflections on Phil 2 with the audience. Hanna is a young medical student, very busy in her studies. But she also prays to look to the interests of others. She serves campus Bible study and a small CBF team in her chapter. Annika is about to master in German language and literature. At the same time, she prays to offer her life to Jesus by becoming a shepherdess for students in Wiesbaden and beyond.

We are very grateful to God for this conference and for the spiritually well prepared environment. May God help us to grow spiritually, developing the same mindset as Christ Jesus. May God use use our one-to-one and small group Bible studies in helping young students to meet Jesus personally and to follow him joyfully.

Thank you for all your encouragement and prayer support.

Love in Christ Jesus