M. Daniel Yang's Visit to Uganda and Rwanda

  • by WMD
  • Apr 28, 2017
  • 2091 reads

Dear Servants of God,

Greetings in the Lord! God has blessed our visit of Uganda and Rwanda greatly! 

As you have already heard, God blessed Eastern Regional African Conference abundantly with powerful words of God through P. Abraham Kim and 3 main messengers! Personally it was a greatly inspiring Bible conference! God sent 7 precious students from Rwanda after 24 hours of bus ride! We all held one word, "Feed my sheep" based on John 21:17.

After visiting Kenya UBF and Uganda UBF, Dr Luke Lim, M Deborah and I came to Rwanda Friday! Thank God for Dr Luke Lim's willingness to lead us to Rwanda, putting aside all the demanding works at the Bethesda Mission Hospital and Dr Livingstone Kang and Uganda coworkers generosity to support our travel costs!   

Last two days (yesterday and today) God has done a great work in the hearts of students in Rwanda and in the heart of M Deborah and myself! 

Due to lack of communication, we went to University of Rwanda (UR in  Kigali, the capital city) around 10:30 AM Saturday. 8 students were waiting for us since 8AM. Despite waiting over 2 hours, they wholeheartedly welcomed us. By God's grace I led a group Bible study based on Mt 4:4 ("Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God") and John 21:17 ("Feed my sheep"). After the Bible study, when we asked the students about one thing they learned, every one of them shared one word with thankful heart! And they deeply thanked God for the fact that we came to them with one single purpose to serve them with God's word! 

My heart was greatly moved by their sincere love of God, his word and his servants. Also all the 8 students were Seniors who will graduate in July. So I realized that coming two months May and June) will be the only time to share God's words with them and to cowork with them to feed one sheep (Freshmen to Juniors) as their expression of their sincere love for Lord Jesus. They were all willing to feed one sheep before their graduation since Jesus loved them so much! 

My heart was touched by their love of Jesus and willingness to feed God's sheep next two months! God compelled my heart to cancel all my schedules to return to US this Wed (4/26) and made an appointment to meet them this Friday (4/28). God led me to strongly encourage them to start one to one Bible study with each of 8 students from next week in addition to group Bible study! After joyful lunch fellowship with 8 students (four were Law students) at the school restaurant, we came to the main campus of UR in Butere by bus (over 3 hours ride). 9 precious students (again all Seniors) came to welcome us. We served them with delicious dinner and had two sessions of graceful Bible studies in the evening and Sunday morning. Again each one shared one thing they learned, with thankful heart! On Sunday 10 people came to the Sunday Worship Service and we accepted Dr Luke Lim's proper and wonderful message on Mark 3:13-19 ("Jesus called and appointed the Twelve Apostles"). Thank God that God sent us two Freshman girl students (one: College of Pharmacy and another: Chemistry major) on Sunday! Again we encouraged each student to start 1:1 Bible study weekly and to write since Bible testimonies.

Several Bible students are eager to pray for and look for a rented house for my residence near both campuses. They want to call them as Bible Houses. (You may think it is too fast and too expensive to look for two rented Bible Houses from the first week, but the cost of the daily rent for my residence are not very expensive and our students think we can rent a house near each campus for the use of Bible House. So they want to call the rented house for my residence as Bible House.) The names of the leadership candidates are Hodal, Guard, James (Butere), Bob and Efteine (Kigali)! Please pray for them!

This great work of God is going on here, mainly due to our Uganda UBF coworkers' unceasing prayers and sacrificial supports last few years! God planted the seeds of the gospel in the hearts of Rwanda students through Shepherds of Uganda! Rwanda students are like the early Christians at Berea. 

I earnestly pray that I and M Deborah (later in God's time) can give waters over the seeds of gospel planted in the hearts of Rwanda student just as Apollo had done it after Paul planted the seed of gospel in the hearts of Corinthians. But God himself will grow them up to be Shepherds and Bible Teachers! 

I also really thank God for your prayer supports (especially Dr Joseph and Esther Chung)! I also deeply thank God for M Deborah's tearful prayers and wholehearted support for me and for the flock of God in Rwanda! I also thank God for the prayer supports of IIT coworkers and my family members! 

Please pray that God may provide us one rented house to be used as Bible House near both campuses as soon as possible! Please pray for me to be able to serve nearly 20 students through personal 1:1 Bible study and prayers in two different cities! I plan to stay in Kigali for 2 or 3 days and Butere for about 3 or 4 days each week.  We will have one weekly group Bible studies at each campus (Friday and Saturday) and Sunday worship services in both campuses (this.will be challenging due to 4 hours ride one way trip, including local taxi transportation time). I can not do anything by myself, but I earnestly pray and believe that our Risen Lord Jesus may enable me to feed his sheep and to pray for them to grow as the committed disciples of Jesus! 

Humbly and thankfully,

Daniel Yang