Los Angeles UBF 2017 Spring Bible Conference

  • by WMD
  • Apr 24, 2017
  • 2547 reads

This past Resurrection Sunday, Los Angeles UBF held their annual Spring Bible conference from April 14 -16 with the theme “Jesus, The Light of the World.” We had a total of 125 attendees (100 adults, 25 youth). We were especially encouraged by several college students who could attend the conference for the first time (Sophia, Mike, Justin, Carolina).  Missionary Isaac and Rebecca Kim attended the conference, driving more than 10 hours to join us. The conference featured three messages from John’s gospel: From John 3:1-21 (Troy Segale), John 8:1-12 (Andrew Cuevas), and John 11:1-44 (Greg Cocco). Three months prior to the conference messengers teamed up with three overseers (William Larsen, David Park, Paul Lim), working together to prepare life-giving messages for the conference. 

Just before the first message, we experienced technical difficulties with the sound system and microphone.  In addition, Troy Segale, the opening messenger suddenly fainted during the early part of his message.  Everyone was concerned so Msn John Kwon encouraged us as a congregation, to join together for two by two prayer.  By God’s grace and several coworkers’ quick help, Troy recovered quickly and ended up powerfully delivering the rest of the message, with the microphone being restored to perfect condition. Troy later testified that though this incident he was reminded of John 12:24 where Jesus said that a kernel of wheat must fall to the ground and die, in order to produce many seeds. Through his message we could learn this same truth, praising Jesus who was lifted up like a bronze snake, in order to save many. Troy confidently testified that we better look up to Jesus and live by faith in order to overcome the darkness and live in the light. 

On Saturday, Andrew Cuevas delivered the main message with the title, “I am the Light of the World.” Whoever follows Jesus will never walk in the darkness, but have the light of life. In his message, he explained that following Jesus as His committed disciples and holding His living words are the practical way to walk in the light. On Sunday morning Greg Cocco served the message of the resurrection powerfully. He emphasized that nothing is more important than believing in Jesus as the resurrection and the life, despite our daily problems and challenges in serving campus mission. Through the message we were reminded that God even uses our sufferings for His good purpose. Despite sufferings and difficulties we are more than conquerors in Jesus who is the resurrection and the life. 

During the conference there were three life testimony sharers; Diana Lopez, Sarah Segale and Deborah Choi. They gracefully testified how they came to the Light of the world, Jesus, through personal Bible studies. On Saturday evening, all conference attendants participated in creating their own skits based on one of the three passages we studied during the weekend.  Each skit was unique, creative and some were even quite hilarious so we were laughing until we cried.  In one of the skits, Lazarus was interviewed about what happened to him and how he felt when Jesus called out to him, “Lazarus, Come out!” Lazarus, played by Jospeh Lopez, said that he was lonely in a cold tomb but all of a sudden heard Jesus calling his name. He just followed Jesus’ voice and came out of the tomb and saw bright daylight again. Praise Jesus who is the Light of the world. 

Active participation from all conference attendees, skit-making, Bible studies, testimony sharing, choir music, praise & worship, and all the behind-the-scenes servants working to prepare the environment, made this conference both joyful and meaningful. Through this conference, we could learn how to become a light in this dark world following Jesus, our Lord and King (Matthew 5:14). May the Lord help us to follow Jesus so that His light may shine powerfully in and through us. 

Paul Lim on behalf of John Kwon