Swiss UBF Report 2016

  • by WMD
  • Mar 30, 2017
  • 1389 reads

Do not fear anything, for I am with you

Mark 11:24 – “Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

    Praise God, for he was with us every day. The word of God, given to us every day says, "Do not fear anything, for I am with you." When I wake up in the morning, firstly I remember the next word of God. "Do not be afraid of anything, anything, for I am with you."

    In 2016, the company I am working for was relocated from Geneva to Frankfurt. 17 years ago while it was winter, I prayed to God that entire night asking for a job to support my family and ministry. Very early that day it I heard a voice telling me, "Wait for a thousand days". Then three years later, a Korean company came to Geneva. From the beginning to the end, during the last 14 years God gave me full of grace through employment at the Korean company.

    For the last few years, I have been praying for the future life in my fifties. God gave me a word through my wife from Psalm 37:5-6, "Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.” Praise God, for he gave me the last one year to pray for a new direction, trusting him for everything. And he shows me the future step by step.

    Shepherdess Marianne from Bern, Shepherd Yann, Georges, Othmar, Livio and Elsa from Geneva are constantly engaged in Bible study, prayer meetings, and evangelism with our missionaries. Especially, Livio who is Paul Junior's high school alumni is very eager to spread Jesus on the campus and on YouTube since he met Jesus through Bible reading. 

    When Paul Jr. and Sarah Jr. prayed a lot for their future direction in the process of trial and error, we can see Jesus in their hearts and they were transformed into the disciples of Jesus. God established a spiritual vessel among brothers and sisters in Nantes, Paris, Brussels, Montreal and Geneva, and gave us the comfort and the strength through the Nantes Spring Bible Conference and French speaking Summer Bible conference in Switzerland. Watching the pouring stars of the Alps night sky we got hold of God's vision. Through the daily reading of the Bible we could keep our faith, hope, love, thanksgiving and peace beyond every day’s challenge. Missionary Sarah has studied English with a strong desire at lunchtime in the evening, at night, early morning until she reached to the advanced level. Halleluiah. 

The 2017 key verse is from Mark 11:24 – “Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

Prayer Topics: 

  • Direction: Reading the Bible - 2 hours’ prayer - Mission.
  • Cooperation with coworkers in Berne and with French speaking countries’ coworkers.
  • We pray for a center; as a place for prayer and meetings.

One word: Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Paul S. Lee