Poland Mission Report 2016

  • by WMD
  • Mar 28, 2017
  • 1248 reads

I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ

Key verse: Romans 1:16 – “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.”

Reviewing the passed year, I want to glorify God’s name and power through his work among us.

I. The works of Holy Spirit

    In 2016 God reminded me with Hebrews 12:1-2 many times as a good spiritual guide and source of spiritual power. This word reminds us of Christians of the past and present suffering all over the world for the gospel of Christ, helping us to fix our eyes only on Jesus our Lord. We renewed our spirit through creation faith in the book of Genesis for the whole year, and our personal faith in God. Now we are learning about Jesus through the gospel of John. Some times Missionary Elijah Park was invited to share messages for young Christians at a Korean church in Poland, and learned the skill and principle of delivering sermons through [Expositary Preaching] on line.

    In spite of everything, preaching the gospel in Polish was a big burden. I often thought about how good it is to preach the gospel and study Bible in Korean. How much more would it be wonderful to speak another foreign language full of the Holy Spirit fluently and with spirit. Nonetheless, I thank God for using a Polish messenger and preacher for the gospel of Christ.

    We invited many Polish young people and neighbors to the Christmas worship in 2015. Christian brothers and sisters came to pray and join the worship service. A Korean pastor introduced a spiritual Polish evangelical church and we had spiritual fellowship. We prayed together for Polish mission. In Poland there are over 95% Catholics living religious lives by keeping ceremonies, without a deep and living relationship with God and the Bible. This evangelical church has been trying to live biblical lives. In March of 2016, I was invited to the CCC global conference with over 300 missionaries in Poland, and I prayed for campus mission together and learned their vivid activity and prayer. 

    We had joyful fellowship with Poznan UBF at Easter and Christmas in Poznan and in Warsaw. On the end of October M. Hanna Lee had an accident with a bus. She was driving her three children to school in the morning. God performed a miracle with by his mercy and power through intercessory prayers from all over the world. She was awakened five days later after the accident. By God’s mercy and his power she has been recovering day after day. We praised the Lord for his mercy and healing power everyday sharing the news of his healing. Several times I saw that our prayers reached heaven with faith in God’s power and mercy. 

    In 2016, we had Easter fellowship in Poznan in March and joined the World Mission Report in Korea in June. We joined the CBF conference in the Czech Republic in July and the family Bible conference in August studying the book of Matthew and received the living word of God.

    Among the Polish students Zbyszek joined the Sunday worship service and studied Genesis and John. He has a stubborn heart with a strong confidence in human reason and science, but he is not yet born again. Aleksy works near Missionary Elijah Park, so very often met each other and have good fellowship. Tomasz has sports fellowship. Ula and Dorota had Bible study with Missionary Deborah Park and from October sister Monika started Bible study newly. All have confidence in human reason and science, so we needed strong preaching and prayer. God gave the faith that only through prayer and through real experience of God’s presence and power, they could be changed into real Christians and disciples of Jesus. We have turned our missionary life into intercessory prayer. We will rent a hall for Sunday worship service from 2017. We will invite many students and Polish neighbors to the life of worshiping and praising God. 

II. My missionary life

    At the beginning of 2016 my boss moved back to Korea. This is God’s answer to my prayers after praying for two years. I suffered a lot because of his bad attitude. God trained me to focus my heart and spirit only on Jesus my Lord. This was God’s good answer, because usually office directors work for about four years, but God answered my prayer. In 2016 I began each morning at work by reading Bible and writing daily bread, and prayer. I prayed for the company to remain profitable, so I could lead live a spiritual and missionary life freely. The survival of the company only depends on sales. God enabled me to help the company make a good profit in the midst of fierce business competition.

    I am very thankful for my family house church. In the evening while playing Christian music, we have personal prayer time. We could not cry out loudly, but we cried to God and for Jesus’ love and mercy. On Saturdays, we had family prayer meetings, sharing prayer topics together. We watched lectures on creation faith online on YouTube. We used You Tube very well for our spiritual education. Polan Park a high school soft more visited Korea from June to July. Growing up in spirit and faith she experienced the work of God in Korea. I heard her impressive confession that she respects her parents wholeheartedly, since they gave up the all the comforts in Korea. Now she is preparing to enter a University. Paul Younginn Park a high school freshmen struggled with many difficulties and depression because of music school and the heavy load of homework in high school. He wept often, but decided to overcome through prayer to God together with his parents. He wrote this and shared his decision to pray with his parents. The youngest, Peter Youngjee Park, loves piano so much through listening and playing it. He wants to be a pianist like Sungjin Cho, a winner of world Chopin Warsaw Competition in 2015.

    In 2017, we pray that we will preach the gospel of Christ the source of eternal life and the Kingdom of God. Only the gospel of Christ is the hope for this world. It seems that the world does not know about the end of world and of Jesus’ second coming. Human reason and science doesn’t offer eternal life and the Heavenly Kingdom. All unbelievers will go to eternal punishment and hell full because of their sins.  Only the gospel of Jesus’ cross and resurrection, his first and second coming gives us eternal salvation, and eternal life in the Kingdom of God. We will reveal to the world our pride and passion of the gospel of Christ through preaching and one to one Bible study without ceasing prayer. We will not cease praying for lives to be changed among Polish young people and neighbors through the power of the gospel of Christ.

Prayer topics:

  • To experience God’s power among Poles through deep intercessory prayer.
  • To lead spiritual faithful life everyday through daily bread.
  • To invite many young people and neighbors to the Sunday worship service.
  • For Polan Park’s good preparation and future. To heal the voice of Peter Youngjee Park.