Visit to Belgrade, Serbia UBF

  • by WMD
  • Mar 24, 2017
  • 1623 reads

God blessed P. Abraham Lee and myself to have a meaningful, joyful stay with our precious coworkers in the capital of Serbia.

Serbia is a great nation and takes pride in their orthodox religion.

They are even raising new church buildings these days.

After our arrival, M. Susana took us on a walk through the old part of the city - from the formerly Turkish fortress to the University, located in the heart of the city.

There are 89,000 students in Belgrade University; there is also a "student town" of dorm in New Belgrade, in walking distance from the UBF center.

Our coworkers serve students as a house church ministry with two families - Daniel & Susana Ko plus Abraham & Debora Park.

Altogether they have 7 children, between 16 and 1 years old.

Both families cowork well and whole-heartedly, and the children are like-minded with their parents.

P. Abraham Lee had Bible study with the missionaries while I studied with Maja K.; the passage was Luke 5:1-11.

Both meetings were deep and helpful in understanding God's word and plan on the one hand while on the other we also came to understand our coworkers' situation much better.

On Sunday, we were 12 people for worship service, including to wonderful Majas (Marias).

We started with many beautiful Serbian hymns.

My message encouraged us to realize how Jesus helps us step by step so that we may live a meaningful life as his disciples, as fishers of men in this generation.

M. Daniel Ko's prayer topics and announcements underlined the summary of God's word to us.

They pray for fruitful 1:1 ministry and for 1 man like Abraham from among Serbian students.

They pray for the preparation of the joint Easter conference with Hungarian UBF ministry; M. Abraham Park will be one of the messengers (1Cor. 15).

They also pray for their self-supporting lives. Presently, only M. Daniel is working; M. Abraham and Debora Park are looking for appropriate jobs. Also, the 2 Majas are looking for jobs.

Considering the financially tense situation, it was all the more encouraging to see that they all, including Bible students, gave an offering from their hearts.

To me, that shows the greatness and the high potential of the ministry there.

I am grateful that P. Abraham Lee and I could get a glimpse of this beautiful vessel of love.

May God bless the prayers and sacrifice of our brothers and sisters in Belgrade.

Love in Christ,
