Africa Eastern Region Conference Program

  • by UBF HQ
  • Mar 16, 2017
  • 1193 reads

Eastern Region (Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda)

  • Dates: April 13-16, 2017
  • Theme: Calling and Commission
  • Place: Clarence Matheny Ministry Nairobi, Kenya (*The location is on google map)
  • Fee: Students U$ 30.00; Others U$50.00; Foreign Delegates U$ 200.00
  • Program:


* Please pray for God to appoint messengers from Kenya UBF by the end of February


Conference Objectives (수양회 말씀역사의 방향)

  1. Main lectures for young students to usher Jesus' forgiving grace into their live (주제강의를 통해서 새로 초청된 양들이 예수님을 복음을 영접하게함)
  2. Morning devotion testimonial messages for sister leaders to grow as mothers of prayer (아침시간 간증적 메시지를 통해서 자매리더들이 기도의 어미로 성장케 함)
  3. Evening lectures for brother leaders to grow as mighty warriors of gospel faith (저녁시간 강의를 통해서 형제 리더들이 복음의 용사로 성장케 함)

Prayer Topics (기도제목)

  1. For 140 attendants from East African chapters (Kenya-80, Uganda-50, Ethiopia-4, Tanzania-2, Rwanda-4, etc) 케냐 80명, 우간다 50명 등 총 140명의 참석위해)
  2. For messengers to prepare deep-touched confessional message (말씀 강사들이 마음깊이 말씀을 받고 고백적 메시지를 전하도록)
  3. For two conference coordinators: Juma Fuchingo (Kenya), Steven Sebbale (Uganda) (케냐의 주마 푸칭고 목자와 우간다 스티븐 쎄발레 목자님이 합심하여 수양회 역사 섬기도록)
  4. After conference, Junior leaders to grow as main stay of the ministry and establish house churches (수양회 후 각 센터의 중간 리더들이 역사에 주인으로 굳게 서고 가정교회 이룰 수 있도록)

Contact Points (연락처)