Denmark UBF Mission Report 2016

  • by WMD
  • Mar 15, 2017
  • 1299 reads

Hebrews 12:2 – “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

    The European Director’s Conference was held in Sweden on December 29th - 30th 2015. My family attended this conference and I personally received Hebrews 12:2. Through this word, I made a clear decision to fix my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith in 2016. God helped me to do it throughout the whole year based on this prayer topic and direction of the year. Msn. Pauline Lee and our two children also had a joyful and graceful fellowship with the other second gens separately.

    We studied Exodus during the first half of the year and Romans during the second half of 2016. Through these bible studies we learned that we should live only by faith in God. At the same time we made new Danish bible study notes on these books. God has blessed our one to one bible study ministry. We continually had one to one bible study with our children. And by God’s grace I have invited Thomas again and had one to one bible study by studying Romans together. Actually I had had bible study with him through many years. Even though we have had a break many times, he was willing to study the bible again. We pray that he can establish a new house church in the future.

    We held Sunday worship service together. Our two children served the Sunday worship service with their whole hearts. Pauline Jr. took charge of making the banner based on the title of the message for every Sunday worship service and played the piano. Samuel has served the Sunday worship service as a Presider and through special music by playing the piano and cello. Most of all they shared their testimony based on the previous message. May God help them continually to grow as excellent bible teachers and co-workers in Denmark UBF ministry.

    I attended the World Mission Report, which was held in Seoul on June 5th - 9th 2016. I have renewed the pioneering spirit through the main message and I decided to continue serving  the ministry as General Caleb. During the summer vacation we visited Korea. During our visit we had a graceful fellowship with families and coworkers at several UBF centers in Korea, at Chungju, Baebong, Sejong and at Sogang UBF. We shared prayer topics and served special music during the Sunday worship services. Pauline Lee Jr. attended the Encounter 2016 in Germany. Through this she had a joyful and spiritual relationship with Jesus and with other Second gens.

    Second generation Yejin Park of Tokyo UBF came to Denmark for her internship in a Danish company. While she stayed in Denmark more than than three months, she had a good and spiritual fellowship with us and attended and served the Sunday worship service with music and sharing testimonies. Dr. Jose Ahn and Maria Ahn of Chicago UBF visited Denmark on May 12th – 15th. They served us with prayers and sharing their testimony. We had fellowship with second generation Monica Kim of Hanseong UBF November 11th – 15th.  We shared testimony and prayer topics and had Sunday worship service together.

    Msn. Pauline finally received her Master’s degree program in Educational Theory and Curriculim Studies (Mathematics) at Aarhus University. It was God’s grace for her to finish her studies after two and a half years, and she is having a good relationship with some of her classmates during her study. We pray that God will use her education for Denmark’s ministry preciously. And Pauline Lee Jr. entered Copenhagen University and is studying law. She prays that she can live as a second-generation missionary and a Bible teacher at Copenhagen University.

    In the beginning of this year I established my own company as a self-supporting missionary.  Although everything is new for me and I have had a very difficult time, God had mercy on me and helped me to manage the business step by step. And God gave me a new idea and strategy to continue the business. May God grant a successful business for self-supporting ministry and invite new missionaries through this in the future.

We celebrated Christmas with those who have had a relationship with us; Thomas, Ole, Thorbjerne and Mikael.

Prayer topics:

  • Raising an Abraham of faith and 3 Jesus’ disciples by 2019.
  • John’s gospel and Joshua Bible study and Sunday worship service.
  • Double the ministry in 2017.
  • New Missionary coworkers. 
  • For the business to be successful. 

Caleb Lee