Hungary UBF Report 2016 by Andrew Kim

  • by WMD
  • Mar 14, 2017
  • 1125 reads

God granted us progress in God’s Work

Key verse: John 14:13:  “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.“

    The 2016 key verse of the ministry in Hungary was 1Timothy 4:15, “Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress.“ We prayed from all our hearts to make progress in God’s work. When we look back we couldn’t do it whole-heartedly. We were very busy working to support our families. At the end of the year we felt guilty before Jesus because we lacked disciple-making ministry. But we received great joy through God’s word from Habakkuk 3:17-18. “Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.“ Through this Bible study I realized that God doesn’t want outward fruit, but fruit that is pleasing to God and that I may be joyful because of my salvation. Although there were no visible fruit of raising disciples, God became our true reward and grew in faith step by step through serving intellectuals in Hungary.

I. Bible Study from Genesis and Timothy

    This year, we studied God’s word from Genesis, Timothy and from Hebrews 11. For us who are like pilgrims weekly Bible study is a great encouragement, like rain on dry land. We  learned that God gave his promise to people like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph and that he trained them according to his promise so that they could grow in faith and become a blessing. Through Joseph’s life God taught us that God was with him and helped him to give glory to God alone. This fact encouraged us that God is with his missionaries and will help us to give glory to God alone in times of suffering and success. To us who are weak the study of Genesis gave great hope that we would grow as capable and well-prepared missionaries.

II. A vessel through early-morning prayer

    In the first half of this year we had early-morning prayer three times a week. But in the second half of the year, we only met twice due to our convenience. Although early-morning prayer was reduced from three times to two times a week we realized that those who didn’t come regularly also didn’t succeed. Physical exhaustion cannot be overcome by taking a break. He who has spiritual power can overcome tiredness. In any way, our three families could establish a vessel of prayer through meeting early in the morning. In 2017 we want to have early-morning prayer on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays and to have deep fellowship with our Lord Jesus and establish a prayer vessel.

III. The growth of our second gens

    Grace Kim began her first year of college. Through this our second gens were motivated to actively participate in the work of God. Grace prays to make friends and grow as a shepherdess to serve one sheep. She is very helpful in correcting the Sunday messages. Nada Kim is a good influence to her high school peers. We thank God that our second gens attend early Morning Prayer and fellowship Bible studies and grow accordingly.

IV. The sacrifice of our coworkers

    When Naomi Kim came to Hungary there were a total of three families. Missionary Isaac and Rebecca Jung, Missionary James and Naomi Kim and Andrew and Sarah Kim along with second gens, Grace and Nada Kim. These three house churches are a great spiritual vessel. Not all of us are experienced in serving the mission field. Isaac Jung has been here for two and half years, James Kim for only a year, and Naomi Kim for only five months. Yet God helped them to lay the foundation of self-supporting mission in order to take root in Hungary. God granted Rebecca a job in a big company and later she was promoted. After work she serves Grace Kim with one to one Bible study. At the worship services she plays music. God has used Missionary Rebecca to help James in getting a job at a major corporation. Missionary Isaac Jung studied diligently in order to receive a Hungarian language certificate. Naomi Kim came to Hungary in July and has attended the language school since October. Missionary Sarah Kim faithfully serves God by being spiritually watchful through keeping early-morning prayer. She is a mother and housekeeper in the family. Still she serves God as his servant faithfully. God helped Missionary Rebecca and Naomi to become pregnant.

    At the end of this year, God sent a Chinese-Hungarian brother, Liming, to our Christmas worship service. We received vision to win him as a coworker for God’s work in Hungary. Through our three house churches God formed a vessel. I thank God for helping us to establish this vessel for his gospel ministry in Hungary, step by step, and for strengthening us in this way.

V. Direction for 2017

    Our key verse is John 14:13. “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.“  We pray to become capable missionaries.

Prayer Topics:

  • That all missionaries grow as prayer servants. 
  • To learn Jesus and God’s heart through Luke’s gospel and the books of Samuel.
  • To become a vessel of love for Hungarian students.
  • To invite another missionary family.
  • To meet every Saturday to practice and improve our language skills.
  • To serve one Hungarian student.