Zambia UBF Annual Report, 2016

  • by WMD
  • Mar 06, 2017
  • 1292 reads

2017 key verse

Mark 10:45 “ For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

  • Disciple making

    Shepherd Moses is growing. But sometimes he is unstable. I pray that he may become a faithful servant of God. I pray that his family may be used preciously as a house church in Zambia ministry.    

  • Co working.

    Missionary Betty from Namibia is with us at the moment for she is studying medicine in Zambia. Missionary Boyd’s family came from America. So Zambia is an international chapter with 4 nationalities; Zambians, Koreans, Namibians and Americans. We have to co-work well. Since Missionary Betty is usually busy with her studies, it has been difficult to participate in the work of God. But I pray that we may make a good spiritual vessel. Although they are new they are mature in many ways and try to serve Zambian students with their hearts. Shepherd Moses is a future Zambia UBF director candidate. Our background and culture is different. I pray that we may be one in Jesus and serve God’s work well.

  • Second generation education

    My first son Vision is growing under the care of the Chongro UBF chapter 1 in Korea. I could not send him money regularly. I told him “tell me when you need money then I will send it to you.” But he did not tell me for almost a year and a half. He struggled to survive independently. I do not know how he could find some money. But he said “ do not worry, believe that God will provide all of my needs.” He is growing from a child to an independent servant of God. I pray that may God become his shepherd and help him to live as a second generation missionary. My second son Somang is preparing to enter the University in September 2017. I pray that he may also grow as a shepherd. 

  • Self supporting

    The economic situation in Zambia is not good. Personally I think that until world economy improves, Zambia’s economy will not be good. My business was also not good. I was distressed a lot throughout the year. But by the grace of God, we still managed. God trained vision to be independent, different from other spoiled boys who only spent a lot of money.

  • House building

    We built a house which serves as both our home as well as our center. We did not receive any material help to build this house. At first our plan was simple. It was a burden to pay rent. We thought about the plot of land we bought before. There was a small servant’s quarter there. We planned to move to that quarter, but it was too small. We planned to expand it a bit. At first it seemed like we could expand it with very little money. So we decided to expand it a little more. But we had to make a lot of changes to our plan. We needed rooms, along with enough space for a worship service and so on. So we have to build a new house. My wife, Missionary Rebekah built the house to save money. She bought all the materials and arranged the necessary manpower for construction. The money was used far more than for the construction. I stopped using our own money for the building materials and borrowed money to complete the building. And finally the house was completed, we moved in and we began our worship service in the new house. I Thank God for helping us to build a house and center through our self-support.

  • 2017 direction

    The key verse for 2016 was Hebrews 12:2 “Fix our eyes on Jesus.” I had difficulties in disciple making and self-supporting along with mental problems. So I realized that I needed to For 2017 I chose my key verse Mark 10:45 because I want to learn from Jesus who came to this world to give his life. One of the questions in my life is about the motive of disciple making. My ministry is focused on disciple making. But disciple making is not easy. I was frustrated a lot because of bad results. I envied missionaries who have many sheep. And I found that I wanted to be respected and to be served through making many disciples. One day I heard about fertilizer and I found that my motive of making disciples was wrong. I should not intend to be served by making disciples. I should sacrifice my-self with a pure heart to make disciples and help them to be great servants of God like fertilizer gives its life and dissipate into the ground to help the plant to grow. Jesus did not come to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. This verse explains the same truth well. I want to learn from Jesus. And as Jesus lived as a ransom for many I pray that I may give my life to the work of saving people with a pure heart.  At the same time if it is the will of God I want to take a rest. It is because I have symptoms of fear disorder and anger disorder. Partly it is because of stress. I want to have a year of rest.

Prayer topics

  • For Shepherd Moses to become a faithful shepherd.
  • To learn Jesus who came to this world to give his life.

 Nehemiah Kim