Kyambogo UBF Mission 2016, Uganda

  • by WMD
  • Mar 01, 2017
  • 989 reads

Loved By God, Kept By Jesus 

    Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. We praise God for his love and mercy toward us. We thank God who gave us strength to serve him faithfully in 2016. Our vision is for “Kyambogo University to be a bible-believing and missionary-sending campus”; and our mission is “to raise disciples of Jesus Christ for world salvation”. 

Our Key Verse in 2016 has been Nehemiah 2:17b, “Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace.”

With this key verse we thought about the broken wall of our faith and of our ministry that could bring shame and disgrace. The broken walls included our laziness to feed sheep, our weak prayer life and our shaken faith when M. Samuel and M. Mary had to go to another mission field. We wanted to rebuild these broken walls. Through Nehemiah’s example, we learned that rebuilding such broken walls needs prayer, preparation and active participation in the work of God. By faith and through prayer, we wanted to participate in building our bible center, which is serving as a prayer house, not only for Kyambogo University, but for all nations. First, M. Samuel and Mary moved to another mission field and we had to prayerfully establish ourselves as native leaders for Kyambogo ministry and Bible Uganda. We also had to find a place for a bible center, since M. Samuel had to vacate his house, which we had also used as a bible center. It was a good house in a serene environment. We had enjoyed a comfortable life there. Our faith was shaken. What would we do? 

Second, we had to rebuild the wall of our faith. By faith God raised Sh. Julius’ house church as new chapter director. God gave us Nehemiah 2:17 so that we may have a greater sense of responsibility and ownership for the campus mission. By the grace of God and hard work, we found a piece of land for our bible center. By faith, God enabled us to start building our bible center with contribution from our local shepherds on 14 January 2016. We sold T-Shirts to raise funds for the bible center. Our brethren and co-workers from both Kyambogo and Makerere University Chapter continued to give towards bible center building work. By faith, Sh. Gerald served as an intern shepherd. He helped supervise the construction work. By faith, we held an inaugural service at our new bible center on April 3rd 2016. While we devoted ourselves to God’s work, our dear sister, Shepherdess Sarah fell very ill, and departed from us to be with the Lord on June 25th 2016. Our hearts were filled with grief. Sh. Sarah was our Sarah of faith. We will always remember her sacrificial and exemplary life of faith. 

    Despite the difficulties, we see the great hand of God at work in our lives as we continue to rebuild our wall of faith. God loves us; and we know that Jesus is with us and he keeps us. Our prayer is that we may live by faith from beginning to the end. We pray to raise at least 3 student shepherds and at least one house church next year. 

One word: Rebuilding our faith