Sofia 1 UBF, Bulgaria Mission 2016

  • by WMD
  • Feb 27, 2017
  • 1106 reads

Go and Make Disciples of all Nations

Key Verse: Matthew 28:18-20 – “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heavens and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the names of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

    The key verse for 2016 was on Mark 10:45: "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Thank God who is merciful toward all sinners in the world. Thank God who was with us in 2016. May God be glorified through his mercy in our lives.

First, thank God for his word. During the previous year God provided his word from the gospel of John and the Epistle to the Philippians. Through this God blessed us to have fellowship with him to love Him. God also blessed us early in the morning to listen to his words and have prayer time.

Second, thank God for his grace and blessing upon the house church of Shepherd. Lachezar and Missionary Joy Sarah Shin. God was with this precious house church during the year of 2016 to have good fellowship with each other and to be faithful to serve their family practically with the love and words of God, visiting them every weekend. God provided a good-paying job to Shepherd Lachezar, where he could improve his skills as a technical and IT engineer. Missionary Joy Sarah Shin is co-working wonderfully and is struggling to study the Bulgarian language. This house church visited the campus of TU and prayed. Also, they served some sisters and brothers by inviting them to their homes. Especially God used Shepherd Lachezar as a good group bible teacher on Sunday. Also, God blessed him to experience God’s work by delivering the Sunday message from time to time. They are praying to serve TU. May God rise up one Jesus’ disciple on TU. May God save their parents.

Third, thank God for the faithfulness of Shepherdess Denitza Krasteva. God blessed shepherdess Denitza to struggle with faith and to remain in Jesus. She is a faithful woman of God. She served her parents with her brother Shepherd Lachezar every week by studying the Bible with them throughout last year. She served one sister with love and prayer from time to time. She was faithful in her job and was struggling to write her dissertation.  She is praying to know more about Jesus Christ. May God bless her life to have great joy and peace in Jesus Christ.

Fourth, thank God for his training in the life of H* K Jr. God blessed her to finish her study at Sorbonne University in 2015. God blessed her life in Paris to have victory over herself in hard situations. After her graduation, God sent her to Korea to train her among the Korean people in a local company and at a French institute. God blessed her to learn about Korean society, its culture, and its language. Also, God helped her to know the God of Korea. Now God is training her to serve students coming to study the Korean language in Sofia. She is praying to be led by the Holy Spirit to know and to serve God. May God bless her life for his glory.

Fifth, thank God for his sheep with whom we are studying the bible and have fellowship. In 2016 God allowed us to study the bible and to have fellowship with several brothers and sisters. Although they were not so faithful we were with them. Among them, brother Ruslan attended the Shepherd and missionaries’ conference in Korea last summer. God blessed him to see the God of Korea and of UBF. May God bless him to know Jesus more and to live as a shepherd.  God is blessing Gideon Kim with victory at the university. May God bless the life of Gideon Kim to know Jesus more personally.

Sixth, thank God for using Missionary James Kang as his instrument. God used him to serve one messenger during the World Mission report in Korea last summer. God gave him one word: “Follow them so that you may live,” from Deuteronomy 4:1. God also used him as an instrument for the World Mission report. God gave him many words of life. Among them God gave him the word “GIVE”. The word “give” is found throughout the gospels. Jesus said; “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep.” God used James Kang as a professor in university and God blessed him to pray and to struggle to serve the students. May God have mercy on him to follow Jesus.

Seventh, thank God for blessing KCC.  God blessed KCC through the love and serving of Missionary Cathy Kang.  God enabled Missionary Cathy Kang to focus and serve every sister and brother who came to study the Korean language with her heart.  She has a good relationship with everyone who is coming to KCC. God blessed her to also serve University students from October of 2016 as a lecturer. She is praying to love God with all her heart and to serve Bulgaria. May God bless her to be filled with the great joy of Jesus Christ.


Prayer topics for 2017:

  • Every sister and brother to receive power from Jesus based on Matthew 28:18-20.
  • Every brother and sister to serve one person in Jesus.
  • Shep. Lachezar to grow as a shepherd and a messenger.
  • To raise one Abraham of faith in each of the 10 main campuses in Bulgaria by the year 2020.

James Kang