Lagos UBF, Nigeria 2016 Mission Report

  • by WMD
  • Feb 27, 2017
  • 1292 reads


Acts 2:42 “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer”

    2016 was a remarkable year in different ways. It was a year that God blessed Shp. Fato’s family with a bouncing baby boy. It was a year God blessed MEDILAG chapter to secure a sisters tent and God blessed us with three wonderful sisters. It was also the year that God saved me in a terrible motor accident. By the grace of God I only had a few lacerations. It was this same year that Missionary Monica Park fell into coma as a result of her brain haemorrhage. Her health situation made the church stand in faith to pray for her believing that God will glorify himself even though humanly the situation looked hopeless.

    I thank God for Missionary Peter Park’s family who served us with all of their heart; enduring all kinds of difficulties and sufferings. I must say that we have been influenced most by their practical humility and sacrificial living.

    God has been blessing Nigeria ministry through local leadership. This is God’s will and plan at his own time. I am almost sure that the missionaries were worried about how the Nigeria mission could be self-supporting with only Nigerian leaders. But God has shown by his mercy that he is the one who makes the provision for his works. We kept Matthew 6:33 in our hearts “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” These words give us assurance of God’s divine provision and grace for the mission work as we keep our eyes on the kingdom of God. We took confidence in Jesus’ word that he will always be with us.

    One other blessings of the Nigeria ministry is the love and co-working spirit among leaders and their families. Despite the busy work schedules and family lives we encourage one another by gathering every Saturdays to study the Bible and pray together. We discuss each chapter’s challenges and pray over them. This is one of the legacies Missionary. Peter Park left behind for us. 

    Also in order to encourage love and unity among the brothers and sisters, the two Lagos chapters and MEDILAG hold combined services every two months. We also hold Easter Bible conferences together with YABATECH chapter. At the conference we share our vision for the Nigeria ministry and pray together. We pray to Pioneer the major universities and colleges in Nigeria through love among brethren and for the disciples of Jesus. 

    The temporary leave of Missionary Peter Park to take care of Missionary Monica placed the responsibility of the leadership of Lagos chapter 1 on shepherd Fato. It wasn’t an easy task considering his busy work schedule at Samsung, but because of the love of Jesus in his heart he took charge of serving the growing leaders, the new brothers and sisters with the strong support of his co-workers.

    Although I would not say it has been that easy serving the twenty first century disciples. They want technology to do everything for them and your Bible study has to be short or else there is no desire to come for the next one. We are learning to serve them through prayer and patience. I use to think that it is more difficult taking care of Medical students but I realise that it is more difficult to serve them after graduation. Their busy schedule of ward rounds and exams makes it difficult for them to attend Sunday services and Bibles often. So whenever I see them when they come to the Bible centre, it’s like seeing angels. I realize that it is important to teach them the basic spiritual discipline of keeping Bible study, testimony, Daily Bread sharing and fellowshipping with others while in school. We are praying for God to provide a room for the graduates to live common life in so that they can undergo spiritual internship training while they are running their medical internship program.

    In 2017 we want to focus on the core of weekly 1:1 Bible study, testimony sharing and taking daily bread. This we believe will help the Bible students grow spiritually strong and healthy and to raise them as Bible teachers. 

Prayer Topics: 

Missionary Monica Park’s health to be completely restored and live many more years to serve God.

To devote ourselves to prayer and teaching of the Bible in order to raise 40, 30, and 20 Bible teachers in Lagos chapter 1, 2 and MEDILAG respectively.

We pray to establish house 3 house churches next year

We pray for three chapters to have graduate’s tents in 2017

God to provide a permanent Bible center for MEDILAG in before the year 2020