Botswana UBF Mission Report 2016

  • by WMD
  • Feb 21, 2017
  • 1312 reads


2Timothy 2:2 "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others."

     I give praise to God who has been faithful to me even though I was faithless. 

    10 years ago Missionary Deborah visited Korea. God gave her an opportunity and the money to visit Korea. She earned a bachelor's degree as Korean Language teacher online and graduated 1st out of 100 students and she was given one million won. She had to attend the ceremony in Korea and was able buy the airplane ticket with the prize money. She enjoyed 2 months' stay in Korea. I also enjoyed a graceful time with the students, by having Sunday worship service and lunch with them. On a Sunday women coworkers cooked delicious food and increased our joy. I had hoped that Missionary Deborah would be refreshed and serve campus ministry with new spirit. But after coming back to Botswana, she missed Korea. One day she told me, "Find a job for me, otherwise I will go back to Korea." I was upset. But when I tried, two companies offered her a job. She began working, visited the campus after work and returned home after 8pm. When she became busy, I also became busy. I must cook everyday to prepare lunch for her and for our 3 children. It was tiring, but I was thankful that they ate well whatever I cooked. 

     In August, we had to renew our permit. Since Botswana’s immigration policy is strict it is difficult for foreigners to get a permit. Year after year Campus ministry and self-support wasn’t easy. Students came and left repeatedly. This year all of my Bible students quit one to one bible study. I felt disappointed and lonely deeply. When we studied 2 Timothy I understood the confession of Apostle Paul when he said, "You know that everyone in the province of Asia has deserted me,"(2Tim 1:15). In addition, many trainees of My Taekwondo School stopped training. After going through these same problems for over 10 years, I wanted our application for the renewal of the permit to be rejected by the immigration, as a reason to go back to Korea. Though I was not faithful to God he was still faithful. I could not submit an important document for the renewal of permit.  We thought that we might be rejected. But by the grace of God we were given a 5 year permit again. When all our Bible students quit, a sister remained faithful. She was willing to share the gospel. She brought her friend, who brought her brother. They were sincere about the Bible studies and our Sunday worship service. This one sister invited 1st year students and began Friday group Bible study with them. I lost hope for campus ministry. But this was like a small light shining in my dark heart. It gave me a new hope that God was working among the students. 

      Throughout this year I became unfaithful. Yet God was faithful for me, for my family, for campus ministry and for self-support. Moreover Msn Daniel and Miso Rhee's visit to us was a great encouragement. The 4 lessons of Numbers taught me the attitude and faith as a servant of God. I was like the people of Israel or the 10 leaders who were changed by outward condition and situation. But I admired two men, Caleb and Joshua, who believed in God, when all other people lost faith. They were two men of faith out of 600,000. I thank God who has led me faithfully. I pray to learn his faithfulness continually, be a faithful man and raise some reliable men of God. 

Prayer topics

1. To be faithful before God.

2. To raise some reliable men for campus ministry.

3. For our son to study Pharmacy at Rhodes University in Grahamstown in South Africa and grow to be an independent man of faith and a shepherd.

By Timothy Chung