North America Representative Members Meeting 2017

  • by WMD
  • Feb 20, 2017
  • 1124 reads

Around 70 North America Representative Members gathered together on Feb. 11, 2017. The opening message was delivered by Dr. Augustine Sohn, "Put this money to work" (Lk19:13).

We heard reports of God's work and thanked God; average world wide Sunday Worship Service number was 8,914: North America 2,116 (639 Students, US 517, Canada 122); 1,800 missionaries to 95 countries (45 new missionaries to 12 countries); 2 new countries (Egypt, Tunisia) were reached out and 6 chapters were newly planted; for over $190,000 offering was given to India new Bible center construction; Relief money near $110,000 were delivered for Syrian refugees, Ecuador (earthquake), Haiti (flood) etc altogether 11 places.

4 new members were accepted (Joseph Chun, Luke Yang, Robert Fishman and Luke Hong). New officers were elected; President: Dr. Augustine Sohh, Vice President: Jim Rarick, Recording secretary: Jim Rarick and New elders: Luke Hong (for Daniel Yang), Joseph Chun (for Elijah Park). 

Questions and answers sessions; Dr. Joseph Chung encouraged to do many 1:1 Bible studies as before; Carmen Tedeschi commented that caring even one person more than just number also should be considered.

P. Abraham shared prayer topics: Student ministry, raising emerging leaders, 2018 ISBC, sending out missionaries to 130 countries, Moscow UBF center, Short Term Mission (Daniel Yang).