France Mission Report 2016 by Bruno Aussant

  • by WMD
  • Jan 27, 2017
  • 1777 reads

Key verse: Nehemiah 1:8-9 – “Remember the instruction you gave your servant Moses, saying, ‘If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations, but if you return to me and obey my commands, then even if your exiled people are at the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place I have chosen as a dwelling for my Name.’”

1. Coworking ministry

God blessed our Easter Conference from 26th to 28th March in a wonderful place between Paris and Nantes. 24 people attended this biblical week-end event, including M. Paul Lee’s family from Geneva and the Nett family. The theme was “The power of the Cross, the hope of Resurrection.” The message of the cross based on Mark 15 was preached by M. Jacob Han (Nantes). For the second lecture, based on 1Cor 15.50-58, we invited a special preacher, Pastor Abraham Koo. He was a precious UBF member for many years. Some years ago, he coworked with a Korean Church in Paris where he studied theology to become a Pastor. Since 3 year, he serves a local church in his home with his family. His message and the fellowship with him encouraged all of us. To have this conference seemed for me like to build a house with 10 bricks. Most of us were very busy, and it was very difficult to establish even 2 messengers and 1 testimony sharer. By preparing this conference, I prayed to God: “We have nothing. How can we have a conference? May your word be like a tidal wave, which come invisibly, but is very powerful to knock down people.” God answered this prayer. This conference seems very family-like and friendly, peaceful and quiet, but the word of God continued to work in the heart of attendants, even after the conference, like a tidal wave.

God blessed also our Summer French speaking Bible conference, July 27-30, in the German part of Switzerland, not far from Interlaken. People came from all UBF Francophone countries (France, Belgium, Switzerland and Canada Montréal), but also from Bern and Cologne (Sh. Walter and Wynnel). I was very encouraged by seeing all co-workers accepting to serve very sincerely and joyfully the program with messages, testimonies, BS, music, mission reports, cooking, etc... This time, I had many brick to build my house. Especially, I was very moved by the service of Swiss co-workers to welcome us and provide a very good environment for this conference. I was also moved by Josua Lee Jr from Bruxelles, who served a deep message based on John 13:31-38. Seeing him, we had a vision to establish our second gens as powerful messengers and precious coworkers for our church. 

God blessed also our faithful Francophone group Bible study via Skype, once a month. After the French speaking Summer Bible conference in July, Montreal co-workers decided to join this BS. We decided to study the book of Joshua to be encouraged by the faithful love of God for his people. M. Josué Lee from Belgium prepares the question sheet, and each co-worker serves the BS alternately. We are all busy by our full time jobs and the service of ministries, but this BS helps us to cowork and maintain the fellowship between us.

The 18th December, we had a common Christmas WS in Nantes with Paris brothers and sisters. God blessed this time with wonderful programs. 45 peoples attended this Christmas Worship Service, including 14 people from Paris. The Paris co-workers arrived one day before and we had a joyful dinner all together Saturday evening. We praise God who gave us this occasion to worship the baby Jesus with co-workers, friends and Bible students.

2. New Missionaries

In September, God send a new couple of missionaries in Paris, Paul and Maria Heo. They are UBF 2nd gen Paul come from Dong-Yo ministry in Korean and Maria (Hong) is the daughter to M. David and Maria Hong (Stuttgart UBF). Paul prayed to go to USA for his Post-doctorate. He was accepted by a professor in Yale University (USA). But the professor advised him to collaborate first with a laboratory in France. God opened the gate of France for this family. Paul is working in a laboratory, and Maria is learning French. They have a small apartment in the international dormitory in Paris, and serve now the Sunday worship service in English for international students. We pray that God bless their house church by sending them lost souls.

3. Spiritual growth of 2nd generation

I thank God for Nantes 2nd gens who is all the time ready to serve our church. They study the Bible in group with me each Saturday since 5 years. They are faithful to write testimony and attend BS, even if they are in a difficult age, with many questions. A true relationship of love, trust and respect has been established between us. Therefore, when I ask them something to do, they are ready to cowork. When I asked them to read the bible passage during the WS for example, they accepted. When I asked them to choose

french songs for the worship and not only English songs, they accepted. When I asked them to share a testimony during the conference or during the WS, they accept. I really thank God for their commitment spirit. I really believe that the word of God is working in their hearts, and help them to overcome the temptations of their generation. 

I also praise God because our 2nd gens have a great desire to do something for the church. They serve the worship in Nantes ministry during the SWS, and also during the conferences, with all their heart. During the spring conference, I decided to call their music group the “NWB” (Nantes Worship Band). But they said me: “ This name is too has-been!” Maybe we need to find a new name. Sarah Han is the leader of the worship band. She serves this mission very sincerely by coworking very closely with me. For the Christmas WS, Sarah invited 3 friends. 

This year, they were very encouraged through the Encounter conference. Sarah Han joined the Vision team to prepare this conference many months in advance. Sarah Han (18), Celeste Aussant (15) and Joseph Han (16) received the word of God and great encouragement during this conference. They also received great encouragement through the fellowship with 2nd gens in Cologne and Heidelberg, before and after Encounter conference. I really thank God who established good example of faith in Europe among 2nd generation in Germany, Greece, Czech Republic, and other countries for our young people.

We also pray for the 2nd gen of Paris ministry. We especially pray for Theo Lee (11). Theo is a very joyful child, but he is alone in his generation. He had many friends in the former Paris UBF ministry. But when his family leaved the former Paris ministry, he became suddenly alone, with only young children. It was very difficult for him to accept and understand why he couldn’t see his friends. But we pray for him to find his real friend Jesus.

4. Strengthening of M. Isaac Lee and Paris coworkers

Since two years, 2 missionary families (Isaac & Marie Lee; Josué & Esperance Kim) serve Paris 2 ministry. M. Isaac Lee gives his heart to help co-workers with the word of God and prayer. He prays to create a lovely and respectful community. For one year, M. Isaac gave opportunity to his co-workers to lead the group Bible study and message (Josué Kim). For one year, they serve alternately the message and group BS for the Sunday WS. But in September 2016, they decided to preach a message each week by faith. M. Isaac and Josué serve the message alternately. God send faithful attendants to their SWS: Han-Sol, So-Young, and 2 teenagers Eun-Je (12) and Misn-Je (16). They also came to Nantes with Paris UBF for our Christmas WS. God fortified M. Isaac has a good shepherd heart for Paris ministry and France ministry. He loves the word of God and has a sincere desire to cowork with me to serve French UBF ministry. I pray that God bless our closely collaboration. I thank God that M. Isaac attended the 2016 coordinators conference in Macedonia with me. May God heal his back to serve freely the ministry.

5. Residence permit

This year, God blessed M. Josué Kim (Pari) and Jacob Han (Nantes) to obtain a residence permit. Josué returned in Korea for some month, leaving his wife and 2 young children, waiting the decision of the French administration. By the grace of God, he arrived in France with new resident permit at the beginning of 2016, and by the grace of God, he found a job to support his family. Two month ago, he even obtain a promotion in his company. M. Jacob Han couldn’t renew his student visa in September 2015, because he was no longer a student. He tried to change his status from student to resident. But he failed 2 times. He became officially a “Paperless clandestine”. France becomes more and more strict with paperless people. Jacob was sometime afraid to be catch by the police in the street. During one year, he prayed God, searching a new way to stay in France. And by the grace of God, he finally obtained a resident permit. He is no longer a clandestine, but he can find a job and travel freely.

6. God’s work in Bible Students

I praise God for the growth of Brother Paul Iemolo and sister Eun-mi in Nantes. Since more than one year, sister Eun-Mi attends faithfully our SWS. In June 2016, she invited young French, Paul, to our community. Paul had no Christian background, but he became to attend our SWS faithfully each week. He attended our Summer Bible Conference in Switzerland, and since September 2016, he studies the Bible with M. Jacob Han. He served our Christmas WS with drama. We pray that God bless him to accept personally Jesus.

Prayer topics:

  • To be lovely communities with full of mutual love and respect
  • Sincere coworking between French ministries
  • Powerful messages: Isaac Lee, Josué Kim, Paul Heo and Bruno Aussant
  • Spiritual growth of Bible students: Paul, Eun-mi, Han-Sol, So-Young
  • Financial autonomy for each family
  • Spiritual growth of 2nd gens