• by WMD
  • Oct 25, 2016
  • 1379 reads

KIMNET annual conference with around 150 attendees (Including more than 30 UBF members) was held in NY. The theme was Diaspora second gene ministry.

UBF members became a source of blessing in many ways starting with P. Ab Kim's prayer, 3 presentations (Dr. Ezra Cho's 2nd Gene Diaspora, David Kim's1:1 ministry, Dr. Abraham K Lee's German UBF report) special songs (Duet by Jose, Maria and Jackie and James, and a very spirited UBF chorus conducted by Rebekah Kim) After finishing the second day, one of the KIMNET top leaders said, "Today was UBF day!" Last of all a very famous Rev of DC. who is invited to lead a prayer meeting for US senators occasionally gave thanks to God at the end of his sermon with wet eyes. He even bowed down on the floor of the stage. He said he owed his being a pastor to 1:1 Bible studies and shepherding of a UBF missionary in his college days some 30 years ago. We all praised God and all our UBF coworkers felt greatly honored before all. We were comforted that our slow, quiet 1:1 ministry is never in vain. We were encouraged to engage in 1:1 shepherding all the more before God. When we go out weeping in sowing the seed of the gospel, we will surely come back reaping abundant harvests in God's time soon! We all prayed together very sincerely and with all our hearts for USA, Korea and the world mission especially for our Diaspora 2nd generation mission.


By Jose Ahn