European Summer Bible Conference Prayer Topics

Period: Aug 11, 2014 ~ Aug 14, 2014

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jul 08, 2014
  • 44 reads

We thank God for granting us the European Summer Bible Conference with the theme of faith in God.

Our most important present prayer topics are:

  1. Student messenger preparation: James, Sara, Georgi, Petrus, Ales, Henoch, Michael, Stamatis, plus one more: To memorize their passage, write a deep reflection, and start preparing message writing whole-heartedly
  2. Renowned messengers: M. Sarah Barry (opening address), Prof. Beyerhaus, Shp. David Kim (key note messages), P. Abraham Kim (closing message)
  3. Raising heart-moving life-testimony speakers from among European chapters
  4. Invitation of students: registration is still slow while we are reaching our first deadline (June 15) : Pray for all European chapters to actively join and invite their Bible students to this faith-based conference
  5. Practical preparations through joyful stewardship of and among 23 task groups

God bless your prayers and love.

In Jesus,