Jongro1 UBF Summer Bible Conference, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Aug 08, 2016
  • 1419 reads

On July 14-17, 2016 Jongro1 UBF had a graceful SBC at Kangchon Training centre in Chuncheon, South Korea. The theme of the SBC was "Jesus’ Unchanging Love". 

Messengers were Joseph Hong (Genesis 1), Mark Park (John 4), Sinhyuk Lee (Luke 19), Youseong Choi (Luke 23), Jinwha Sohn (Romans 8), and Sunhyoung Kim (John21).

There were 111 people who attended including 31 sheep and second gens. We thank God for His abundant blessings upon our SBC through six powerful messengers, 20 testimony speakers, drama, duo drama, special songs and barbeque dinner party.  On July 17 we had a graceful Sunday Worship Service at the conference site as well at Jongro1 UBF Centre for those who were unable to attend the SBC. In all we were blessed with 131 SWS attendees. 

Right after the SBC, both Sh. Junyoung & Sarah Kim's family and David & Hannah Choi's family had a newborn baby. We thank God for blessing these families who have been faithful in doing the Lord’s work. Beginning next Saturday, we plan to meet every week to have Romans Bible study and testimony sharing for Freshmen. We also have our students planning to travel to Jiri Mountain and Soonchun World Garden in order to meditate on God's world creation and to forge a spiritual fellowship with each other in Christ.  Thank you for your prayer support for Jongro1 UBF. 

Caleb Kim