The European Youth Conference "Encounter 2016"

Period: Aug 03, 2016 ~ Aug 06, 2016

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jul 07, 2016
  • 55 reads

The European UBF youth conference "Encounter 2016" will be held August 3 - 6 at Velbert Germany.

The conference theme is "The Kingdom."

We will study "The Gospel of the Kingdom" (Luke 4:16-30), "The Nature of the Kingdom" (Matt. 13), "Jesus' Kingship" (John 10), and "Kingdom Expansion" (John 15).

Messengers Paul, Elia, Bruno, and Esther joined for messenger camp last Saturday (July 2); they are all well prepared, yet need some more "polishing" through prayer and the Holy Spirit's work.

We are grateful that the organization team Esra, Esther and Sua have been supplemented by a dynamic, international vision team: Joy, Peter N, Rebekka R, Jesin, Maria (SUI), and Sarah (FRA).

Some 150 people will join from across Europe plus Russia and Ukraine (yes, both!) as well as from overseas.

We thank God for the spiritual network among young people that is being established through Encounter.

We thank God for the prayer support from UBF worldwide. God bless you all the more!

More conference info can be found at

In Jesus' love,
