Zimbabwe UBF Easter Bible Academy

  • by WMD
  • Apr 28, 2016
  • 2057 reads

We had an Easter Bible Academy from April 1-3. The title was “The Resurrection Faith.”  We prayed for 50 attendees and 46 people attended.  We prayed to plant resurrection faith in the campus students.  The messages were delivered by Chikura (1 Cor 15:1-12, “The Resurrection Faith”); Dr. Obet Sibanda (1 Cor 15:13-33, “The Power of Resurrection”); and Dr. Tapiwa Muronzi (1 Cor 15:34-58, “The Glorious Resurrection”). It was Chikura’s first message and he delivered a heart-moving message.  Dr. Sibanda and Dr. Muronzi were busy as medical doctors, but they prepared and delivered their messages. Through each message, we could learn the resurrection faith to overcome the sin of the world and death. Before each message, there was a recitation of Scripture by brothers Avogardo, Evans,  Learnmore, Farai, and Overson based on each given passage from 1 Corinthians 15. Missionaries Anna, Rebekah Shin, and Hannah Lee shared their life testimonies. Our women missionaries testified about how they met the risen Jesus and became witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection through their life of mission. Many students attended each day of the Bible Academy consistently. We continually pray to raise Jesus’ disciples among students and raise house churches through our medical doctors.