Riga UBF Easter

  • by WMD
  • Apr 19, 2016
  • 1820 reads

John 20:18: “Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the News: “ I have seen Lord” And she told them he had said these things to her.”   


  Riga UBF held an Easter Conference for 2 days in the suburbs of Riga. Students who are taking a Korean language class were invited to the Conference.  We deeply meditated on the passage of Mary who met the Risen Jesus. We received one word and prayed. We had a difficult time to invite people to the Easter Conference because they usually spend time with their family for Easter dinner. We invited some students by faith and then God answered our prayers by sending  11 students. 2 families along with four children and 3 missionaries attended the conference. 

    After Saturday lunch, we studied John Chapter 20.  Living in a Christian culture, they celebrate Easter every year, but most people are not familiar with the gospel in Latvia Most of the attendants have studied the Bible for the first time. We emphasized in our study about Jesus’ resurrection to know its meaning about it for us. In fact, for most students, Jesus’ resurrection is difficult to understand. But we had time to think and learn about Jesus’ resurrection based on the Scriptures. 

In the evening, Andrea and Esther made Korean food and shared delicious food with our Bible students. After dinner, we had a joyful time with them, such as Korean crossword. Five of those of the attendants returned to Riga  in late evening because they had other plans. I pray that the message of the resurrection be planted in their hearts through this conference. We had Easter worship service on Sunday, based on John 20 we studied yesterday. Of the 11 students, eight students (including Samuel Jr and Argon) had attended the Christmas worship Service last year. This is the hope of God’s ministry.  God may accept our hearts through our sincere prayers

    Continue to pray for the establishing of Riga Sejong Institute. Surveyors will visit in late April and Sejong institute will be released in May after the survey.  I pray that may God fulfill this for his glory and history.


Timothy Gang , Riga UBF