Dr. John Jun's CME in Bangalore

  • by WMD
  • Mar 12, 2016
  • 1564 reads

We flew three hours from New Delhi to Bangalore the fourth largest city in India with a population of 8.5 million people. Bangalore is located on an elevation of 1000 meters above the sea level with cool pleasant weather. It is well known as a silicon valley of India for its development of the computer industry having the most information technology companies and factories in the region. 

It is here that Dr. John and Jane Yeon's family, who were sent about 12 years ago from Namsan UBF Korea, having been serving the ministry alone. They have been earnestly praying for years to pioneer Christ University at Bangalore and for solving their visa problem. Finally God heard their earnest prayer. Once, when he was teaching tennis skill to a student at the school tennis court, the president of the school was passing by and had a chance to talk to him. On the spot the president offered him a professor job to the Christian university when he came to know that Dr. John was a PHD and computer specialist. By this his visa and financial problem were solved and the university even provided him with a suitable home on the campus as well. Dr. John became acknowledged as an outstanding professor and promoted to Innovation Center Director M. Jane Yoen has also been working at the school as a language teacher. Their daughter is the first year at the university and their son is in high school.

In order to join CME, Dr. John took two days off from his work. We had Bible study based on CME lectures 1, 2, 3 with their family at a guest house on the campus and shared graceful testimonies together. Especially Dr. John Yoen repented of his laziness due to his busy schedule at the school and made a decision to actively serve the Lord and his ministry and so did Jane as well, renewing their faith in God. 

At 4pm on Saturday afternoon we had Bible study with 10 Indian brothers and sisters on Eph. lecture1. On Sunday we had a graceful Sunday worship service at Bangalore UBF. Seventeen people attended filling the center’s worship hall. Afterward we and had a joyful lunch and fellowship together. 

Prayer topics: 

1. Dr. John Yeon's Sunday message

2. Jasmine and Shiva to grow as ancestors of faith

3. 2016 World mission report in Seoul