Jongro, Gwanak and Wharang UBF joint conference

  • by WMD
  • Mar 09, 2016
  • 2025 reads

Jongro, Gwanak and Wharang UBF joint conference

report by Joshua Kim

On Feb.20-21, 2016 Jongro 1,2,7, Gwanak 3,5 and Wharang UBF in order to prepare spring semester ministry, held its joint conference at Daewoong pharm training center at Yon-in, Korea. The theme of the conference was "You may be successful wherever you go if you obey me"(Jos 1:7) and 400 people attended.

On the first day, Saturday afternoon, Prof. Hojin Ryu (Univ of Baekseok) gave us a special lecture. He stressed: "Try to put yourselves in the shoes of the person in the Bible passage when you read the Bible, which is the best way to have a deep understanding about the words and about God's heart." When we do that, we will also be transformed into a new self as mature Christians and good shepherds for this generation.

In the evening Sh. Mark Yoon (Gwanak 3) gave a message, "You may be successful wherever you go, if you obey me" (Jos 1). We learned about the secret of successful life as shepherds for God's flocks for this upcoming spring semester. Afterward we all wrote sincere testimonies based on the passage. The next morning we all shared them in groups, refreshing our faith and courage. 

On Sunday morning, Sh. Caleb Kim (Jongro1) delivered, "You are the light and salt of the world” from Mt 5. We deeply learned about inner maturity and we all earnestly prayed to be useful salt and light for the world as disciples of Jesus.

We thank God for renewing all attendees with victorious faith before the upcoming spring semester through graceful lectures. We also thank God for providing us a close conference place only one hour drive from Seoul. Most of all we thank God for enabling all Jongro, Gwanak and Wharang coworkers to have a wonderful and loving fellowship together through the conference.