New Delhi UBF CME

  • by WMD
  • Feb 26, 2016
  • 1793 reads

We thank God for blessing CME in New Delhi abundantly.

Dr. John Jun and M. Sarah Sunji Jun arrived in New Delhi at 7:30pm on Feb 15(Mon).

2 Korean shepherds and 3 shepherdesses studied Ephesians chapter 1 & 2 and Galatians 5:16-24. And all shared testimony on Sunday (Feb 21) afternoon.

All members wrote testimony sincerely and shared it by shedding tears with thanksgiving and repentant heart. Women shepherdesses had sorrow and despair due to those members who left and the hard environment of Delhi life- heavy air pollution and hot weather in summer. We were challenged by Apostle Paul who gave thanks to God even though he was confined in the Roman prison. We prayed we may catch more of the spiritual blessings till we can be filled with overflowing praises like Paul. Especially we renewed our identity clearly and decided to live by keeping these wonderful spiritual blessings daily with praise and prayer.

On Feb 19(Fri), 8 Indian shepherds and 4 Indian shepherdesses studied Ephesians chapter 1 and they also received much grace

On Feb 21(Sun), we had combined Sunday worship service at JNU Center together with DU North brothers and sisters and Dr. John Jun delivered graceful Sunday message with the title “Spiritual Blessings in Christ.” After Worship service, we had lunch fellowship together and had good fellowship.

All coworkers received much grace and renewed their identity as Bible teachers and shepherds and had new spiritual desire to share these spiritual blessings with campus students actively.

We give thanks to God’s servants who willingly offered the troubles from taking long journey to reach out several countries including India. May God accept and use CME program preciously so that many weakened co-workers in different nation may be strengthened by the word of God through Dr. Jun and M. Sarah’s prayer.

We pray God may bless CME in Bangalore (Feb 22-28), in Chennai (Feb 29-Mar 2) and in Cochi (Mar 3-6) as well.

In Christ,

Jimmy Lee