Poland UBF Mission Report

  • by WMD
  • Feb 22, 2016
  • 1684 reads

Feed My Sheep!

Key verse: John 21:15 

Thank You, Lord for Your providing our ministry this year with Your grace and mercy. Thank You, Lord for Your grace to keep our endurance and hope in Your mission and calling. I want to praise Your mercy and grace through 2015 annual report.

Feeding Jesus’ sheep;

Since several years, we have been keeping our spiritual direction of John 21:15, “feed my sheep”, because we love Jesus continuously, more than before, we live for His hope and command in love relationship with Jesus. With big limitation in time as self-supporting missionaries, we have tried to feed Jesus’ sheep among young Poles and neighbors. We all are humble and weak, but God has kept our mission and calling in Jesus’ love relationship. 

Missionary Elijah Park visited Tomasz on each Wednesday and had Bible fellowship. He is a devorced father with 7 years old one daughter. Elijah Park spent time with them, sometimes in the park, sometimes at home and at restaurant. Love is giving time to the others. So Elijah Park tried to give his time for them, and spent time with them with hope that God may raise Tomasz as a spiritual father for Poland. 

Zbyszek Maciantowicz is a private language school teacher. He attends Sunday worship service. His attitude has been changed. Missionary had to invite him to worship service, but when he has no lecture on Sunday, he would like to attende Sunday worship service without invitation by his first willing. This is good spiritual hint to know his spiritual desire to worship God. We will not stop to pray for him in God’s salvation hope and mercy.

Rafal started staying in Warsaw since June this year from Krakow and visited our Bible house, and he introduced his friend Vadym, a Ph.D. Ukraine exchage student. Vadym has sincere heart to know God and keeps Bible fellowship. He returned to Ukraine in the beginning of Dec., but keeps relationship through messenger. He will visit missionaries there. In October Rafal went to Vienna for exchange student till the end of this year. He has fellowship with Vienna UBF now. 

Missionary Deborah Park sincerely whole the year had Bible fellowship with Ula, a Warsaw Politechnical University student. They met usually at coffee shop, and had Bible fellowship.  God blessed her coffee shop fellowship in Jesus’ love. Dorota proposed missionary Deborah Park to read Bible after some break time. This shew her spiritual desire to know God, and they continue Bible study. 

Missionary Hanna Lee of Poznan UBF did not step back from the faithful missionary life, even her hudesband, missionary Henryk Lee, lost job this year. She has tried to find new students and invited them to Bible fellowship. She served Joanna (Korean study 2) , Zofia and other news students. Missionary Henryk Lee ‘s family church kept God’s calling and stood firmly in God’s calling and mission. Sudden difficulty because of lost job of Henyk Lee did not make them discouraged and take away shepherd heart. They did not stop finding new lost sheep. And God started opening the gate for self-supporting works, even if he has no big experience in business. We pray that God may bless this family church’s faithfulness and firm obedience and love to God’s calling. God blessed Poznan ministry with graceful Matthew Gospel this whole year, blessed the oldest daughter, Jr. Hanna Lee to enter good bilingual middle school and music school, and blessed four children. 

Coworking in Jesus’ love and mission;

Warsaw and Poznan UBF had Bible retreat in the beginnig of May (1-3 May). We studied John 4:1-26, Luke 9:18-27.  We had graceful time to teach all 2nd generation missionaries and joyful fellowhip among coworkers. This year was the first year for missionary Joshua and Anna Cha. They lived humble and examplary missionary life in prayer and love. Missionary Joshua Cha had big obstacle to serve ministry because of much company work, but he faithfully coworked and prayed for Polish ministry with humble mind. Anna Cha is a spiritual missionary. She understood self-supporting missionary life and with smile and broad mind, she has never been nervous of difficult spiritual conditions. They had Jesus’ humble mind and deep understanding to the others. Thanks to this life style, their children are very bright and all the times smiling and positive. 

We respect and love one another, even if most of time, we could not know what to do for our ministry because of many obstacles in language, culture, religion difference. But we stood firmly in God’s calling and hope of Heavenly Kingdom. We could encourage one another as same strangers in foreign mission field. We have compassion in spiritual battle field.  We will continue to pray for Polish minstry in one love of Jesus our Lord. 

Missionary Henryk Lee lost job from March this year suddenly. But he could not find suitable jobs in his mission city, Poznan. He decided to stay in Poznan, finding good private business chance to support his family and ministry. He has four children, one at middle school, three at primary school. We pray that God may help him to provide good business for self-supporting mission.

My missionary life

I lived struggling life day by day in the middle of the world full of agressiveness, selfishness. Jesus’ cross raised me from despair and gave me spiritual victory. God gave me daily strength to serve ministry, to fight against worldly attack in the company, to serve weekly Luke Gospel message and many other special messages like Job, Isajah, the prophets’ books, to keep my hope and faith in God. By God’s grace, I could finish one year theological study with good reputation and with spiritual, useful courses through online study of World Mission University.

Through hard working and difficulty in personal relationship in the company, I could keep pure hope of Heavenly Kingdom and God’s calling. I will continue to obey Jesus’ command of feeding His sheep, for I love Jesus so much and His cross. Daily spiritual struggle teaches me that I have only two kinds of time, today and eternity. So I have tried to do my best missionary life today with all my strength and all my hearts, not knowing tomorrow what happens. Today or Eternal Kingdom of God become my time only. I tried to live one day with faith, hope and love, so one whole year passed really like one day so suddenly. I had no plan or strategics for tomorrow, because I had to live one day with faith, hope and love. I do not know this is good or not, but I know and I can tell that I could live the whole year only by God’s grace and Jesus’ cross. 

I pray that God may give the strength and strong love to feed Jesus’ sheep everyday next year. In good or bad seasons, I want to preach Jesus’ cross and Heavenly Kingdom, and raise faithful disciples of Jesus among young Poles. May God give mercy on Poland and raise disciples of Jesus for Polish ministry and world salvation works!

Reported by msn. Elijah Park, December 15, 2015.

Poland Ministry    European Coordinators Conference 2016 (Sweden, 29-31 Dec. 2015)