Korea UBF Daily Bread Meeting

  • by WMD
  • Feb 15, 2016
  • 1413 reads

On January 30, 2016, Korea UBF held its daily bread directors' and treasurers' meeting at Jongro UBF Center. Ninety daily bread coordinators and treasurers gathered together from all of the local chapters in Korea. The meetings started with  Deuteronomy 16:18-17: 20 " Keep the Bible in your side and read it all the days of your life" on. It was gracefully led by seven staff shepherds divided into seven groups.  After having lunch fellowship the main lecture " Keep the Bible in your side and read it all the days of your life" given by Sh. Moses Noh. Through the lecture He stressed that God commanded the people of Israel  " When you appoint over you a king he is to write for himself on a scroll a copy of this law. it is to be with him, and he is to read it all the days of his life" (Deu. 17:18-19).  Its purpose was for their kings to learn to revere the Lord God and follow all the words of the law and humbly to take care of God's people. Through the message we all deeply learned that God wants us to put our first priority on the reading the Bible all the days of our lives and to follow his word daily and  taking care of the flock of God as spiritual leaders for this generation.

After the main lecture three people shared graceful testimonies. Sh. Seong Wook Han was in a difficult situation. in his work year 2014,  he had an encounter downgrading his position to a less important post in his work place. Then he realized that his lack of love toward God caused him to that difficulty situation and deeply repented and concentrated on the daily bread writing without missing 365 days in 2015. Then by God's grace he won the victory over the job and promoted to higher position in government job and was enabled to take care of God's flock in the campus as well. 

A year ago Sh. Sarah Lee was greatly distressed because of her son's second failure of the college entrance exam and her son also was preparing the next college entrance exam.  That's why her and her son had been doing daily bread meeting daily without missing one for 365 days. God was pleased by their absolute faith towards the word of God, letting her son win the victory over the exam receiving an excellent grade. Through this, her son met Jesus Christ personally and was accepted into Korea University, one of top universities in Korea. Now her five family members are having daily bread meeting every day.

In the past year, Sh. Gwan Young Jung was in deep darkness due to his mom's illness, family problems, and troubles with his fellow coworkers and others.  But through early morning prayer and daily bread writing, God strengthened him by shining the light of life, Jesus, in his heart daily. Jesus gave him the victory,  solving his life problems one by one by his grace.

We thank God for the wonderful grace of God given through the message and the testimonies that touched all attendent's hearts. 

After the testimony sharing, Sh. Jae Eun Cho presented the "nuts and bolts" of management of daily bread business. At the end there was a reward ceremony led by Sh. David Kim(Korea UBF Director). He congratulated and awarded all who took daily bread 365 days in 2015 and  all attendees with encouraging words. A total of 92 people were awarded from 31 chapters. We thank God for advancing daily bread year after year among our brothers and sisters.

 I pray that God may enable our brothers and sisters to love the Lord God and to overcome all the difficulties  bearing much fruit spiritually and physically through taking daily bread in 2016.

Moses Noh ( Department of daily bread)