Athens I, II UBF(Greece) 2015 Review & 2016 Key Verse and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Feb 10, 2016
  • 1486 reads

Athens I UBF 2015 Review & 2016 Key Verse and Prayer Topics

Key Verse: Philippians 3,10-11 – “I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.”

Part 1, 2015 Annual Review

1. Our key Verse for 2015 and God's responses

Our key verse for 2015 was 2 Corinthians 4:14: “Because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you in his presence.” Last year one of big events in our church was the death of missionary Caleb Kim from Lithuania. Also, France received two times afflictions from terrorists. Nationally Greece is suffering more than 6 years because of IMF. Personally I confronted difficulty because of the second operation of missionary Lydia Lee in Seoul. In the midst of all trials, God who raised our Lord Jesus from the dead, holds us to stand for all by the resurrection faith.

2. Bible Studies

In 2015 we studied the Ten Commandments, Lord’s Prayer, the letter of Romans, the gospel of John. Every week we shared the testimonies and thanks giving topics in order to give glory to our Lord under any circumstances. Second generation Lydia Lee, Paul Lee and Pauline Lee and Isidora took responsibility to deliver message by turn at monthly young Sunday worship service.

3. Bible schools

On 3-5 April we held the happy Easter conference with the chapter Athens II at the Cosmos vision center, half hour from the Athens' city. We studies the A letter of Corinth, chapter 15 and memorized it. Also we shared the last of will of each life in front of our Lord. On 30 October-1 November we held the fall bible conference at the suburb of Athens according to the letter of Hebrews chapter 11. Stamatis and Paul Lee jr. delivered messages and Isidora shared her heart moving life testimony. Missionary Pauline Byun and sister Akmaral came from Kazakstan to bless our meeting by prayer and life testimony. Brother Panos, his fiancee Eleny, her mother came for the first time to our meeting. Sister Isidora did presentation about the miracle of God’s creation of plant world.

4. World Mission

Second gen Lydia served the Encounter with the sense of stewardship. Second gen Pauline and Isidora made one creative and joyful video presentation for this event. Last year the couple of David and Lena Park from Moscow center visited us. Then M. Elizabeth Kim, who is the eyewitness of Germany ministry with her tree daughters from Wiesbaden visited us and followed the step of 2nd missionary journey of Apostle Paul. Also, Second gen Grace, Anna and Joy Joo from Sweden visited us and were refreshed through good fellowship. The visit of M. Pauline Byun and Akmaral from Almaty Center was one of the importance event in our ministry.

5. Special Thanks Giving Topics

We praise the Lord for granting us daily breads and all needs during the year 2015 in the midst of deep economic crisis. We praise the Lord who blessed Stamatis to have engagement with fiancee Akmaral. We praise the Lord who blessed the Akmaral to take the residence permission. We praise the Lord who blessed second gen Lydia to finish her studies by faith within four years. Praise the Lord who blessed all second gens to grow spiritually and physically. Praise the Lord who blessed M. Lydia Lee came back to mission field after operation and recovery by full support from Chong-ro 7.

Part II. 2016 key verse and prayer topics

Our key verse for 2016 is Philippians 3,10-11: “I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.”

According to this key word we pray to know Christ and the power of His resurrection.

We pray that God may heal missionary Lydia Lee from her diseases.

We pray that God may bless Shepherd Stamatis to have victory on his job and establish house church with Akmaral.

We pray that God may give direction to second gen Lydia for her future.


Athens II UBF 2015 Review & 2016 Prayer Topics

Key word: John 12:24 – “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.”

Part I. 2015 Review

2015 key word was John 12:24 – “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.”

My family members are only attendants in every Sunday Worship Service during this year. As like only one grain of wheat, it seems that we haven’t born any fruit outwardly and we went around in fruitless circles. But I think God trained us to make up among us and to lay foundation for spiritual growth. Thank God for his goodness and faithfulness toward his precious children in 2015.

  • Weekly Bible Study

Thank God for blessing weekly Bible Study based on the Gospel of Mark every Saturday.

Thank God for revealing his will through this Gospel and strengthen basis for spiritual bearing.

Bro. Pano and Sis. Anna attended to this Bible Study and they studied the Gospel of Mark.

Especially I shared my testimony with Pano to help him understand God’s word practically. Even though he didn’t tell us his spiritual & practical situation, we didn’t stop praying for him to be enlightened by Holy Spirit and to repent his sinful life. His situation is getting better than first time that we met him. He attended in the Fall Bible Conference even one day with his family and said to us that he wants to be used as Bible teacher. I pray for him to repent for his past life and to grow Jesus’ disciple and Bible teacher for lost souls.

These days Sis. Anna studies with Pauline Lee personally and shared testimonies. She is not so faithful to the Bible study. We pray for her to understand God’s will through continuous Bible study and to grow as mother of prayer.

Part II. 2016 Prayer Topics

2016 key word is: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit” (Jn 12:24).

I pray for to learn Lord’s mind based on this key word in 2016 and to make solid my spiritual root on the words of God.

  • Daily Bread & early morning prayer meeting
  • 3 attendants in Sunday Worship Service
  • Weekly Bible Study with Greek students (Pano and Anna’s spiritual growth)